| 2000 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1970 --> 33(5)/2002
| | | |
| 1/1985 --> 11/2002
| | | |
| 1(1)/1970 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1983 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1996 --> 7(4)/2002
| | | |
| 55(12)/2000 -->
| | | |
| 190/1997 -->
| | | |
| 67/1998 -->
| | | |
| 26(1)/1957--> 1(1)/1932 --> 72(6)/2003
| | | |
| 1(1)/2007 -->
| | | |
| 35/1998 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1964 --> 40(6)/2003
| | | |
| 29(1)/1992 -->
| | Suite de : Geoexploration
| |
| 13/1997 -->
| | | |
| 9(1)/1997 -->
| | | |
Journal of Applied Phycology (Archives) | 1989 --> 1996
| | | |
| 1(1)/1964 --> 41(4)/2004
| | | |
| 6(1)/1997 --> 9(4)/2001
| | Devient : inclus dans Hydrobiologia
| |
| 15(1)/1997 -->
| | Suite de : Journal of Southeast Asian Earth Sciences
| |
| 10(1)/2005 --> 10(4)/2005
| | Suite de : The global atmosphere and ocean system
| |
| 59(1)/1997 -->
| | Suite de : Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics
| |
| 1(1)/1980 --> 58(16)/1996
| | Devient : Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics
| |
| 26(1)/1997 -->
| | | |
Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry (Archives) | 1983 --> 1996
| | | |
| ??-->?? 1/1916 --> sauf 6 derniers mois
| | | |
| 38/1998 -->
| | | |
| 30(1)/1995 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1959 --> 3(4)/1961
| | Devient : Biotechnology and Bioengineering
| |
| 12/1998 -->
| | | |
| 11(1)/1996 --> 11(6)/1996
| | Devient : Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology
| |
| 119(1)/1996 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1968 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1974 --> 28(11/12)/2001
| | | |
| 1(1)/2007 -->
| | | |
| 2(1)/1997 -->
| | | |
Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry (Archives) | 1996 --> 1996
| | | |
| 23(1)/1997 -->
| | | |
Journal of Biological Physics (Archives) | 1973 --> 1996
| | | |
| 1/2004 -->
| | | |
| 2001 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/2002 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1979 -->
| | | |
| 5(1)/1959--> 1(1)/1955 --> sauf 6 derniers mois
| | | |
| 1(1)/1966--> 1(1)/1966 -->
| XLI - B | Suite de : Quaterly Journal of Microscopical Sciences (0370-2952)
| |
| 18/1982 -->
| | | |
| 166/1996 -->
| | | |
| 23(1)/1997 -->
| | | |
Journal of Chemical Ecology (Archives) | 1975 --> 1996
| | | |
| 689(1)/1995 -->
| | | |
| 766(2)/2002 -->
| | Suite de : Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Sciences and Applications
| |
| 663(1)/1995 --> 765(2)/2001
| | Devient : Journal of Chromatography B
| |
| 14(1)/1997 -->
| | | |
Journal of classification (Archives) | 1984 --> 1996
| | | |
| 1972 --> 1974
| | Suite de : Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Physiologie, ISSN 0044-362X
Devient : scindé en Journal of comparative physiology. A, Sensory, neural, and behavioral physiology, ISSN 0340-7594 et Journal of comparative physiology. B, Metabolic and transport functions, ISSN 03
| |
| 180(2)/1997 -->
| | | |
| 167(1)/1997 -->
| | | |
Journal of comparative physiology. A Sensory, neural & behav. physiol. (Archive) | 1974 --> 1996
| | Suite de : partielle Journal of comparative physiology, ISSN 0302-9824
| |
| 1(1)/1992 --> 11(4)/2002
| | | |
| (fev)/2003 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1965 -->
| | | |
| 109(1)/2000 -->
| | Suite de : Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-Earth and Planetary Sciences
| |
| 86/1998 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1913 --> 91(6)/2003
| | | |
| 19(3)/1994 --> 29(4)/2004
| | Suite de : Journal of Educational Statistics
| |
| 1(1)/1976 --> 19(2)/1994
| | Devient : Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics
| |
| 45(1)/1996 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/2002 -->
| | | |
| 18(5)/2006 -->
| | | |
| 44/1997 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/2001 -->
| | | |
| 36(3)/2000 -->
| | | |
| 47(1)/1996 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1967--> 1(1)/1967 -->
| V - H | | |
| 12(1)/1912-->265(1)/ 274(1)/1996 --> 294(4)/2002
| XVI - C | Devient : Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution
| |
| 295(1)/2003 --> 305A(12)/2006
| | Suite de : Journal of Experimental Zoology
Devient : Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology
| |
| 370A(1)/2007 -->
| | Suite de : Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Comparative Experimental Biology
| |
| 77/2006 -->
| | | |
| 50/1997 -->
| | | |
| 9(1)/1995 -->
| | | |
| 7(4)/1997 -->
| | | |
Journal of Fluorescence (Archives) | 1991 --> 1996
| | | |
| 3(1)/1997 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1972 -->
| | | |
| 71(2)/1997 -->
| | Suite de : fusion Manuscripta geodetica, ISSN 0340-8825 et Bulletin géodésique, ISSN 0007-4632
| |
Journal of geodesy (Archives) | 1995 --> 1996
| | Suite de : fusion Manuscripta geodetica, ISSN 0340-8825 et Bulletin géodésique, ISSN 0007-4632
| |
| 1(1)/1984 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1999 -->
| | | |
| 58(1/2)/1997 -->
| | | |
Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres | 107(D1)/2002 -->
| | | |
Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres (Archives) | 89(D1)1984 --> 11(24)/2002
| | | |
Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences | 110(G1)/2005 -->
| | | |
Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface | 108(F1)/2003 -->
| | | |
Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans | 107(C1)/2002 -->
| | | |
Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans (Archives) | 83(C1)/1978 --> 114(12)/2009
| | | |
Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets | 1007(E1)/2002 -->
| | | |
Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets (Archives) | 96(E1)/1991 --> 114(12)/2009
| | | |
Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth | 107(B1)/2002 -->
| | | |
Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth (Archives) | 83(B1)/1978--> 114(12)/2009
| | | |
| 1(1)/2004 -->
| | | |
| 87(1)/1996 -->
| | | |
| (jui)/1997 -->
| | | |
| 18(3)/2006 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1963 -->
| | | |
| 26/2000 -->
| | Suite de : Cuadernos de Geologia Ibéria, ISSN 0378-102X
| |
| 46(1)/2006 -->
| | | |
| 1/2001 -->
| | | |
| 58(1)/1999--> 58(1)/1999 -->
| XXVIII | Suite de : Memorie dell'Istituto italiano di Idrobiologia
| |
| 11(1)/1995 --> 17(3)/1997
| | Devient : Incorporé dans Prostaglandins and Other Lipid Mediators
| |
| 2005 -->
| | | |
| 7(3)/1904-06--> (1)/1887 --> 40/1961
| VII C | | |
| 1/1937-38--> 51(1)/1993 -->
| SZV/Phys | | |
| 2(1)/1997 -->
| | | |
| 1(1/2)/1990--> 1(1/2)/1990 -->
| Phys | | |
| 2(1)/1974--> 1(1)/1974 -->
| XI - C | | |
Journal of Mathematical Biology (Archives) | 1974 --> 1996
| | | |
| 1(1)/1987 -->
| | | |
Journal of Mathematical Chemistry (Archives) | 1987 --> 1996
| | | |
| 1(1)/1999 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/2002 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1973 -->
| | | |
| 155(1)/1997 -->
| | | |
| 15/1997 -->
| | | |
| 21(1)/1995 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1991 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1954 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/2005 -->
| | | |
| 1/1959-->117(4)/1977 245(1)/1995 -->
| 4.1/4.2 F | | |
| 32(1)/1991-->37(6)/1 44(1)/1997 -->
| XLII - C | | |
Journal of Molecular Evolution (Archives) | 1971 --> 1996
| | | |
| 35(1)/2004 -->
| | Suite de : Histochemical Journal, ISSN 0018-2214
| |
| 3(1)/1997 -->
| | | |
Journal of Molecular Modeling (Archives) | 1995 --> 1996
| | | |
| 1/1988 -->
| | | |
| 62(1)/1996 -->
| | | |
| 227/1996 -->
| | | |
| 8(1)/1978-->12(4)/19 1(1)/1971 -->
| 7.1 A | | |
| 18(1)/1997 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1967 -->
| | Suite de : Annals & Magazine of Natural History (0374-5481)
| |
| 1(1)/2004 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1983 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1991 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1991 -->
| | | |
| 1/1980 -->
| | | |
| 53(1)/1997 -->
| | | |
Journal of Oceanography (Archives) | 1992 --> 1996
| | Suite de : Nihon Kaiyo Gakkaishi, ISSN 0029-8131
| |
| 1(1)/1970 --> 29(6)/1998
| | Suite de : Nouvelle Revue d'Optique (1973-1976) ; Nouvelle Revue d'Optique Appliquée (1970-1972)
Devient : Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics (fusion de : Journal of Optics (1992-1198) et Pure and Applied Optics: Journal of the European Optical Society Part A (1992-1998)
| |
| 1(1)/1999 -->
| | Suite de : Fusion de : Journal of Optics (1992-1998) et Pure and Applied Optics: Journal of the European Optical Society Part A (1992-1998)
| |
| 1(1)/1999 -->
| | Suite de : Quantum and Semiclassical Optics: Journal of the European Optical Society Part B (1995-1998)
| |
| 17(1)/1997 -->
| | | |
Journal of Paleolimnology (Archives) | 1988 --> 1996
| | | |
| 2/1996 -->
| | | |
| 20/1997 -->
| | | |
| 37(1)/1996 -->
| | | |
| 85(1/2)/1995 -->
| | Suite de : partielle de Journal of Photochemistry
| |
| 27(1)/1995 -->
| | Suite de : partielle de Journal of Photochemistry
| |
| 1(1)/2000 -->
| | | |
| 33/1997 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1968 -->
| | Suite de : Journal of Physics A: Mathematical, Nuclear and General (1973-1974)
| |
| 1(1)/1968 -->
| | Suite de : Journal of Physics A: General Physics (1968-1972)
Devient : Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General
| |
| 1(1)/1968 -->
| | Suite de : Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics (1968-1987)
| |
| 1(1)/1968 -->
| | Suite de : British Journal of Applied Physics (1950-1967)
| |
| 1(1)/1968 -->
| | Suite de : Journal of Scientific Instruments (1923-1967)
Devient : Measurement Science and Technology
| |
| 1(1)/1975 -->
| | Suite de : Journal of Physics G: Nuclear Physics (1975-1988)
| |
| 1(1)/1989 -->
| | Suite de : Fusion de : Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics (1968-1988) et Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics (1971-1988)
| |
| 1/2004 -->
| | | |
| 501/1997 -->
| | | |
| 89(1)/1995 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1979--> 18(1)/1996 -->
| I - B | | |
| 16(1)/1997 -->
| | | |
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation (Archives) | 1982 --> 1996
| | | |
| 158(1)/2001 -->
| | | |
| 110(1)/1997 -->
| | | |
Journal of Plant Research (Archives) | 1993 --> 1996
| | Suite de : Botanical magazine Tokyo, ISSN 0006-808X
| |
| 1(1)/1961 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1981 -->
| | Suite de : Journal of the Society for Radiological Protection (1981-1987)
| |
| 10/1997 -->
| | | |
| 1(prelim)/1923 -->
| | Devient : Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments (1968-1989)
| |
| 35(1/3)/1996 -->
| | Suite de : Netherlands Journal of Sea Research
| |
| 1(1)/1997 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1988 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1986 --> 15(2/3)/1997
| | Devient : Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
| |
| 1(1)/2001 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1972 -->
| | | |
| (mars)/2004 -->
| | | |
| 114(1)/1995 -->
| | Suite de : Journal of Ultrastructure and Molecular Structure Research
| |
| 1(1)/1979 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1972 --> 14(4)/1980
| | Devient : Journal of Supramolecular Structure and Cellular Biochemistry
| |
| 15(1)/1981 --> 17(5)/1981
| | Suite de : Journal of Supramolecular Structure
Devient : Journal of Cellular Biochemistry
| |
| 1(1)/1936 --> 68(4)/2003
| | | |
| 47/2009 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1988 --> 15(4)/2002
| | | |
| 1(1)/1990 -->
| | | |
| 18(137)/1922 --> 97(460)/2002
| | Suite de : Quarterly Publications of the American Statistical Association
| |
| 4(1)/1999 -->
| | | |
| 1(1/2)/1953 --> 30(3/4)/1983
| | Devient : Australian journal of earth sciences, ISSN 0812-0099 (et absorbe AGSO, ISSN 1320-1271)
| |
| 110(1)/2004 -->
| | | |
| s-1(1)/1926 --> s2-48(3)/1993
| | | |
| 75(1)/2007 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/2004 -->
| | | |
| 50(1)/1887 --> 110(4)/1947
| | Suite de : Journal of the Statistical Society of London
Devient : Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (General)
| |
| 111(1)/1948 --> 150(4)/1987
| | Suite de : Journal of the Royal Statistical Society
Devient : Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (Statistics in Society)
| |
| 151(1)/1988 --> 166(3)/2003
| | Suite de : Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (General)
| |
| 10(1)/1948 --> 59(4)/1997
| | Suite de : Supplement to the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society
Devient : Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Statistical Methodology)
| |
| 60(1)/1998 --> 65(4)/2003
| | Suite de : Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological)
| |
| 59/1997 -->
| | | |
| 46/1997 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1953 --> 13(4)/1965
| | Devient : SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics
| |
| 1/1964 --> 2(3)/1965
| | Devient : SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
| |
| 1(1)/1838 --> 49(4)/1886
| | Devient : Journal of the Royal Statistical Society
| |
| 124(1)/1997 --> 131(4)/2004
| | Suite de : Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club
| |
| 28/1997 -->
| | | |
| 6(1)/1964-->75(4)/19 172(1)/1995 -->
| 7.2 E-C | | |
| 1(1)/1998 -->
| | | |
| 20(1/2)/1995 -->
| | | |
| 18/1997 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1982 --> 24(3)/2005
| | | |
| 1(1)/1985 --> 18(6)/2002
| | | |
| 1(1)/2000 -->
| | | |
| 34/2009 -->
| | | |
| 1/1967 --> sauf 6 derniers mois
| | | |
| 1(1)/1976 -->
| | | |
| 34/1996 -->
| | | |
| 241/1997 -->
| | | |