| 1/1937 --> 41(4)/1977
| | Devient : Microbiological Reviews
| |
| 15/2002 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/2000 -->
| | | |
| 9/1997 -->
| | | |
| 7(1)/1996 -->
| | | |
| 37(2)/1995 -->
| | | |
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (Archives) | 1976 --> 1996
| | | |
| 1957 --> 1965
| | Suite de : Heidelberger Beiträge zur Mineralogie und Petrographie, ISSN 0367-5769
Devient : Contributions to mineralogy and petrology, ISSN 0010-7999
| |
| 1/1996 -->
| | | |
| 25/2002 -->
| | | |
| 1(1/2)/1995 --> 8(6)/2002
| | | |
| 10(1)/1963-->253/199 206(1)/1995 -->
| 4.2 E-A/5.2 F-E +JM | | |
| 54(1)/1995 -->
| | Suite de : Biochemical Medicine and Metabolic Biology
Devient : Molecular Genetics and Metabolism
| |
| 23(1)/1995 -->
| | Devient : Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education
| |
| 35(1/2)/1997 -->
| | | |
Biochemical Genetics (Archives) | 1967 --> 1996
| | | |
| 90(1)/1964-->334/200 49/1951 --> sauf 6 derniers mois
| | | |
| 8(1)/1961-->28(4)/19 49(1)/1995 -->
| Hall | | |
| 1(1)/1973 -->
| | | |
| 3(1)/1964-->39/2000 1(1)/1962 -->
| | | |
| 65(12)/2000 -->
| | | |
| 75(1)/1997 -->
| | | |
| 28(4)/2000 --> 29(6)/2001
| | Suite de : Biochemical Education
| |
| 1228(1)/1995 -->
| | Suite de : partielle Biochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA - Biophysics inclus Photosynthesis
Devient : Incorpore Biochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA - Reviews on Bioenergetics
| |
| 66/1963-->1416/1998 1233(1)/1995 -->
| JM | Suite de : partielle Biochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA - Biophysics inclus Photosynthesis
Devient : Incorpore Biochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA - Reviews on Biomembranes
| |
| 1260(1)/1995 -->
| | Suite de : Biochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA - Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis
| |
| 1243(1)/1995 -->
| | Suite de : Biochimica et Biophysica Acta
| |
| 1254(1)/1995 --> 1394(2/3)/1998
| | Suite de : Biochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA - Specialized Section on Lipids and Related Subjects
Devient : Biochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids
| |
| 1436(1)/1998 -->
| | Suite de : Biochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA - Lipids and Lipid Metabolism
| |
| 1270(1)/1995 -->
| | | |
| 1265(1)/1995 -->
| | | |
| 1246(2)/1995 --> 1597(2)/2002
| | Suite de : Incorpore Biochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA - Enzymology and Biochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA - Protein Structure
Devient : Biochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA - Proteins and Proteomics
| |
| 1598(1/2)/2002 -->
| | Suite de : Biochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA - Protein Structure and Molecular Enzymology
| |
| 1241(1)/1995 --> 1516(1/3)/2002
| | Devient : Incorporé dans Biochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA - Biomembranes
| |
| 1242(1)/1995 -->
| | | |
| 77(1/2)/1995 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1992 -->
| | | |
Biodiversity & Conservation (Archives) | 1992 --> 1996
| | | |
| 2004 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1993 --> 3(6)/1996
| | Devient : Diversity and Distributions
| |
| 1(1)/1993 -->
| | | |
| 51(1)/2000 -->
| | Suite de : Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics
| |
| 36(1)/1995 --> 50(1/2)/1999
| | Devient : Bioelectrochemistry
| |
| 1/1980 -->
| | | |
| 20/1998 -->
| | | |
| 6/1997 -->
| | | |
| 18(1)/2002 -->
| | | |
| 141/1995 --> 206/2000
| | | |
| 36(1)/1997 -->
| | | |
Biogeochemistry (Archives) | 1984 --> 1996
| | | |
| 1(1)/2004 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/2004 -->
| | | |
| 12(1)/1996 -->
| | | |
| (1)/2005 -->
| | | |
| 13(1)/2003 -->
| | | |
| 52/1927--> s1-1(1)/1897 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1968 -->
| | | |
| 76(1)/1997 -->
| | Suite de : Kybernetik, ISSN 0023-5946
| |
Biological Cybernetics (Archives) | 1975 --> 1996
| | Suite de : Kybernetik, ISSN 0023-5946
| |
| 60/1997 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1998 -->
| | | |
| 32(4)/1999 -->
| | | |
| 72/1997 -->
| | | |
| 27(1)/1996 -->
| | | |
| 23(1)/1995 -->
| | Suite de : Journal of Biological Standardization
| |
| 30/2000 -->
| | | |
| 24(2)/1997 -->
| | | |
Biology and Fertility of Soils (Archives) | 1985 --> 1996
| | | |
| 27(6)/2000 -->
| | | |
| 270(S1)/2003 -->
| | | |
| 40(1)/1981--> 62(1)/1988 -->
| LXI - C | Suite de : Biologie cellulaire 28/77-39/80
| |
| 40/1998 -->
| | | |
| 55/1999 -->
| | | |
| 29(1)/1973--> 3(1)/1947 --> 58(4)/2002
| | Suite de : Biometrics Bulletin
| |
| 1(1)/1945 --> 2(6)/1946
| | Devient : Biometrics
| |
| 83(1)/1996 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1901 --> 89(4)/2002
| | | |
| 16(1/4)/2000 -->
| | Suite de : Genetic Analysis: Biomolecular Engineering
| |
| 23(1)/1995 -->
| | | |
| 1974 --> 1984
| | Devient : European biophysics journal, ISSN 0175-7571
| |
| 1963 --> 1973
| | Devient : Radiation and environmental biophysics, ISSN 0301-634X
| |
| 1(1)/1974 -->
| | | |
| 17(1)/1997 --> 27(6)/2007
| | | |
Bioscience Reports (Archives) | 1981 --> 1996
| | | |
| 1(1)/2000 -->
| | | |
| 6(1)/1974;16(1)/1983 34(1/3)/1995 -->
| Hall | Suite de : Currents in Modern Biology 1/1967-5(4)/1974
| |
| 1(1/2)/2001 -->
| | | |
| 4/1961 -->
| | | |
| 1/2006 -->
| | | |
| 12/1996 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1969 --> 34(4)/2002
| | | |
| 29/1997 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1961 -->
| | | |
| 1/2000 -->
| | | |
| 1/2000 -->
| | | |
| 1/2003 -->
| | | |
| 1/2000 -->
| | | |
| 1/2001 -->
| | | |
| 1/2001 -->
| | | |
| 1/2001 -->
| | | |
| 1/2001 -->
| | | |
| 1/2000 -->
| | | |
| 1/2000 -->
| | | |
| 1/2001 -->
| | | |
| 1/2000 -->
| | | |
| 1/2000 -->
| | | |
| 1/2001 -->
| | | |
| 1/2001 -->
| | | |
| 1/2001 -->
| | | |
| 316/1998 -->
| | | |
| I/1904 -->
| | | |
| 37(1)/2003 -->
| | | |
| 5(1)/2000 -->
| | Suite de : Aqua Fennica, ISSN 0356-7133
| |
| 26/1997 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1875 --> 1(12)/1876
| | Devient : Botanical Gazette
| |
| 2(1)/1876 --> 152(4)/1991
| | Suite de : Botanical Bulletin
Devient : International Journal of Plant Sciences
| |
| 123/1997 -->
| | | |
| 1972 --> 1992
| | Devient : Journal of plant research, ISSN 0918-9440
| |
| 82(1)/1997 -->
| | | |
Boundary-Layer Meteorology (Archives) | 1970 --> 1996
| | | |
| 61(3)/2001 -->
| | Suite de : Revista Brasileira de Biologia
| |
| 30(1)/1997 -->
| | Suite de : Revista brasileira de pesquisas médicas e biologicas
| |
| 1(4)/2000 -->
| | | |
| 1(3)/2002 -->
| | | |
| 47(1)/1996 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1952 --> 3(3)/1968
| | Devient : British Phycological Journal
| |
| 5(1)/1970-21(4)/1986 4(1)/1969 --> 27(4)/1992
| Hall Al 2 | Suite de : British Phycological Bulletin (0374-6534)
Devient : European Journal of Phycology
| |
| 1(1)/1931 --> 54(4)/2002
| | | |
| 93(1)/1995 --> 96(4)/1998
| | Devient : Incorporé dans Microbes and Infection
| |
| 23/2001 -->
| | | |
| 25/2003 -->
| | | |
| 20(1)/1946 --> 1995
| | Devient : Journal of geodesy, ISSN 0949-7714 (fusion) Manuscripta geodetica, ISSN 0340-8825
| |
| 55(1)/1997 -->
| | Suite de : Bulletin of the International Association of Engineering Geology, ISSN 0074-1612
| |
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment (Archives) | 1998 -->
| | Suite de : Bulletin of the International Association of Engineering Geology, ISSN 0074-1612
| |
| 58(1)/1997 -->
| | | |
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (Archives) | 1966 --> 1996
| | | |
| 78(1)/2003 -->
| | Suite de : Vestník ceského geologického ústavu
| |
| 59(1)/1997 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1995 --> 13(3)/2007
| | | |
| 1(1)/1970 -->
| | | |
Bulletin of the International Association of Engineering Geology (Archives) | 1970 --> 1997
| | Devient : Bulletin of engineering geology and the environment (Print), ISSN 1435-9529
| |
| 1(1)/1969 --> 28(6)/1996
| | | |
| 39(1)/2007 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1870 --> 123(4)/1996
| | Devient : Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society
| |
| 58(6)/1997 -->
| | | |
Bulletin of Volcanology (Archives) | 1986 --> 1996
| | Suite de : Bulletin volcanologique, ISSN 0366-483X
| |
| 1924 --> 1984
| | Devient : Bulletin of volcanology (Print), ISSN 0258-8900
| |