| 4/1843 --> 6/1854
| | Suite de : Abstracts of the Papers Printed in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London
Devient : Proceedings of the Royal Society of London
| |
| 1/1800 --> 4/1843
| | Devient : Abstracts of the Papers Communicated to the Royal Society of London
| |
| 46(3)/2000 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1932--> 46(1)/2005 -->
| | | |
| 46(1)/1997 -->
| | | |
Acta Applicandae Mathematicae (Archives) | 1983 --> 1996
| | | |
Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica | 37(1)/2005 -->
| | | |
| 47(1)/2000 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1972-->?? 1/1972 -->
| | | |
| 26(1)/2006 -->
| | | |
| 10/1997 -->
| | | |
| 20(1)/1965-->60(2)/1 102(1)/2000 -->
| 9.1 C-B | | |
| 33(1)/2000 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1973 --> 34(6)/2006
| | Devient : CLEAN - Soil, Air, Water
| |
| I(1)/1970 -->
| | | |
| 34(1)/1997 -->
| | | |
Acta Informatica (Archives) | 1971 --> 1996
| | | |
| 16(1)/2000 -->
| | | |
| 18(1)/2002 -->
| | | |
| 1/1996 -->
| | | |
| 18(1)/1997 -->
| | | |
| 47(1)/2002 -->
| | | |
| 10(1)/1972-->19(4)/1 39(3)/2000 --> 45(4)/2006
| | | |
| 80/1999 -->
| | | |
| 16(1)/2002 -->
| | Suite de : Artificial Intelligence in Engineering
| |
| 1(1)/1980 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1969 --> 3(4)/2004
| | | |
Advances in Ecological Research | 1/1962--> 31/2000 -->
| | | |
| 22(1)/1995 -->
| | Suite de : Advances in Engineering Software and Workstations
Devient : Incorpore Computing Systems in Engineering
| |
| 4(1)/2000 --> 8(3/4)/2004
| | Devient : Incorporé dans Journal of Environmental Management
| |
| 3/1995 --> 5/1998
| | | |
| 1/2003 -->
| | | |
Advances in Marine Biology | 1/1963--> 38/2000 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1952 -->
| | | |
| 4/1996 --> 6/2000
| | | |
| 1(1)/1977 -->
| | | |
| 53(1/2)/1997 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1982 -->
| | | |
| 35/1997 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1974 --> 7(3/4)/1982
| | Devient : Incorporé dans Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment
| |
| 52(1)/1995 -->
| | Devient : Incorpore Agriculture and Environment et Agro-Ecosystems
| |
| 1/1974 --> 8(3/4)/1982
| | Devient : Incorporé dans Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment
| |
| 2000 --> 2005
| | | |
| 1(1)/1994 -->
| | | |
| 31(1)/2007 -->
| | | |
| 37(1)/1997 -->
| | | |
| 17(1)/1997 -->
| | | |
| 88(1)/2004 -->
| | | |
| 42(1)/2005 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1901 --> 204(4)/1995
| | Devient : Developmental dynamics, ISSN 1058-8388
| |
| 1(1)/2005 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1914 --> 89(12)/2002
| | | |
| 1(1)/2005 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1878 --> 128(1)/2006
| | | |
| 1(1)/1894 --> 111(10)/2004
| | | |
| 1(5)/1909 --> 152(2)/2004
| | Suite de : Midland Naturalist
| |
| 107/1973--> 149(5)/1997 -->
| II - D | | |
| 107/1973--> 1(1)/1867 --> 168(5)/2006
| | | |
| 1(1)/1947 --> 56(4)/2002
| | | |
| 4(1)/1964-->38(6)/19 36(1)/1996 --> 38(6)/1998
| | Devient : Integrative and Comparative Biology
| |
| 12(1)/1997 -->
| | | |
| 72(1)/2000 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1874 --> 10(6)/1883
| | Devient : Annals of Mathematics (The)
| |
| 299(3)/1995 -->
| | | |
| 372(1)/2002 -->
| | Suite de : fusion Fresenius' journal of analytical chemistry, ISSN 0937-0633 et Analusis (Imprimé), ISSN 0365-4877
| |
| ??-->?? 224(1)/1995 -->
| | | |
| 49(1)/1977--> 19(1)/1947 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1967 -->
| | | |
| 26/1997 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1906 --> 269(6)/2002
| | Anatomical Record (the) Parts A & B
| |
| 270A(1)/2003 --> 288A(12)/2006
| | Anatomical Record (the)
Devient : The Anatomical Record: Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology
| |
| 270B(1)/2003 --> 289B(6)/2006
| | Anatomical Record (the)
Devient : The Anatomical Record: Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology
| |
| 290/1996 -->
| | | |
| 1/2008 -->
| | | |
| 195(2)/1997 -->
| | | |
| 110/1998 -->
| | | |
| 37/1998 -->
| | | |
| 24(1)/2001 -->
| | | |
| 1/1998 -->
| | | |
| 28/1997 -->
| | | |
| 37(2)/1995 -->
| | | |
| 7/1998 -->
| | | |
| 43(1)/2000 --> 47(4)/2004
| | Devient : European Journal of Medical Genetics
| |
| 84(1)/1998 -->
| | | |
| XIe Sér. 1/1938-->XI 19(1)/1998 --> 21(4)/2000
| 9.2 F-E | | |
| 12(1)/1994 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/2000 -->
| | Devient : Fusion de Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, physique théorique et Helvetica Physical Acta
| |
| 172(1)/1997 -->
| | | |
| 181(1)/1999 -->
| | | |
| 130/1997 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1991 --> 14(4)/2004
| | | |
| 71(1)/1993 -->
| | | |
| 2(1)/1998 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1930 --> 43(6)/1972
| | | |
| 1(1)/1884 --> 156(3)/2002
| | Suite de : The Analyst
| |
| 1(1)/1973 --> 32(4)/2004
| | | |
| 1(1)/1936 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1973 --> 32(6)/2004
| | | |
| 1(1)/1914 --> 91(4)/2004
| | | |
| 1/2008 -->
| | | |
| 1/1932 -->
| | | |
| 1/1999 -->
| | | |
| 37/2008 -->
| | Suite de : Annual Review of Biophysics and Biomolecular Structure
| |
| 1/1972 --> 13/1984
| | Devient : Annual Review of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry
| |
| 21/1992 --> 36/2007
| | Suite de : Annual Review of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry
Devient : Annual Review of Biophysics
| |
| 14/1985 --> 20/1991
| | Suite de : Annual Review of Biophysics and Bioengineering
Devient : Annual Review of Biophysics and Biomolecular Structure
| |
| 11/1995 -->
| | Suite de : Annual Review of Cell Biology
| |
| 1/1985 --> 10/1994
| | Devient : Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology
| |
| 1/1973 -->
| | | |
| 1/1970 --> 33/2002
| | Devient : Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics
| |
| 34/2003 -->
| | Suite de : Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics
| |
| 1/1976 --> 15/1990
| | Devient : Annual Review of Energy and the Environment
| |
| 16/1991 --> 27/2002
| | Suite de : Annual Review of Energy
Devient : Annual Review of Environment and Resources
| |
| 28/2003 -->
| | Suite de : Annual Review of Energy and the Environment
| |
| 5/1995 --> 6/1996
| | Devient : Incorporé dans Aquaculture
| |
| 1/1969 -->
| | | |
| 1/1967 -->
| | | |
| 1/1983 -->
| | | |
| 1/1947 -->
| | | |
| 1/1950 -->
| | | |
| 1/1939 -->
| | | |
| 53/2002 -->
| | Suite de : Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology
| |
| 1/1950 --> 38/1987
| | Devient : Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology
| |
| 39/1988 --> 52/2001
| | Suite de : Annual Review of Plant Physiology
Devient : Annual Review of Plant Biology
| |
| 71(1/2)/1997 -->
| | | |
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (Archives) | 1933 --> 1996
| | Suite de : Nederlandsch tijdschrift voor hygiene, microbiologie en serologie, ISSN 0369-3821
| |
| 1/1977 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1971 -->
| | | |
| 59(1)/1993-->60(12)/ 31/1976 --> sauf 6 derniers mois
| | Suite de : Applied Microbiology
| |
| 1(1)/1987 -->
| | | |
| 36(1)/2000 -->
| | | |
| 1(1/2)/2003 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1986 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/2004 -->
| | | |
| 1992 --> 1995
| | Devient : Hydrogeology journal
| |
| 1/1953 --> 30(6)/1975
| | Devient : Applied and environmental Microbiology
| |
| 47(1)/1997 -->
| | | |
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (Archives) | 1984 --> 1996
| | Suite de : European journal of applied microbiology and biotechnology, ISSN 0171-1741
| |
| 1(1)/1979 -->
| | | |
Applied Physics | 1973 --> 1981
| | Suite de : Zeitschrift für Angewandte Physik, ISSN 0044-2283
Devient : Scindé en : Applied physics. A, Solids and surfaces, ISSN 0721-7250 et en : Applied physics. B, Photophysics and laser chemistry, ISSN 0721-7269
| |
| 64(2)/1997 -->
| | | |
| 64(2)/1997 -->
| | | |
Applied physics. A, Materials science & processing | 1981 --> 1994
| | Suite de : partielle Applied physics (Berlin), ISSN 0340-3793
Devient : Applied physics. A, Solids and surfaces
| |
Applied physics. A, Solids and surfaces (Archives) | 1995 --> 1996
| | Suite de : Applied physics. A, Materials science & processing (Print), ISSN 0947-8396
| |
| 1981 --> 1993
| | Suite de : partielle Applied physics (Berlin), ISSN 0340-3793
Devient : Applied physics. B, Lasers and optics, ISSN 0946-2171
| |
Applied physics. B, Photophysics and laser chemistry (Archives) | 1994 --> 1996
| | Suite de : Applied physics. B, Lasers and optics (Print), ISSN 0946-2171
| |
| 1(1)/1952 --> 52(4)/2003
| | | |
| 14(1)/1995 -->
| | | |
| 129(1/4)/1995 -->
| | Devient : Incorpore : Annual Review of Fish Diseases
| |
| 3/1997 -->
| | | |
| 28/1997 -->
| | | |
| 1/1997 -->
| | | |
| 1/1975 -->
| | | |
| 1/1991 -->
| | | |
| 30(4)/1997 -->
| | Suite de : Netherlands journal of aquatic ecology
| |
| 4(1)/2001 -->
| | | |
| 3(1)/1997 -->
| | | |
Aquatic Geochemistry (Archives) | 1995 --> 1996
| | | |
| 1(1)/1988--> 11(1)/1998 --> 16(6)/2003
| | Suite de : Rev. Inst. Sci. Tech. Pêches Marit.
| |
| 9(1)/1995--> 9(1)/1995 -->
| XVI | Suite de : Marine Microbial Food Webs (0297-8148)
| |
| 59(1)/1997 -->
| | | |
Aquatic Sciences - Research Across Boundaries (Archives) | 1989 --> 1996
| | Suite de : Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Hydrologie, Hydrobiologie, Limnologie, Fischereiwissenschaft, Abwasserreinigung, ISSN 0036-7842
| |
| 1(1)/1981 -->
| | | |
| 1928 --> 1954
| | Devient : absorbé par Internationale Zeitschrift für Angewandte Physiologie Einschliesslich Arbeitsphysiologie, ISSN 0020-9376
| |
| 3/1996 -->
| | | |
| 68(1)/1997 -->
| | | |
| 1939 --> 1974
| | Suite de : Archives of virology
Devient : Archives of virology, ISSN 0304-8608
| |
| 1895 --> 1923
| | Devient : fusion avec Archiv für mikroskopische Anatomie (1911), ISSN 0176-7348 pour donner : Archiv für mikroskopische Anatomie und Entwicklungsmechanik, ISSN 0365-4125
| |
| 1950 --> 1987
| | Devient : Archive for mathematical logic (Print), ISSN 0933-5846
| |
| 1948 --> 1986
| | Devient : Meteorology and atmospheric physics (Print), ISSN 0177-7971
| |
| 1930 --> 1973
| | Devient : Archives of microbiology, ISSN 0302-8933.
| |
| 1911 --> 1923
| | Suite de : fusion Archiv für mikroskopische Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte, ISSN 0176-7356 et de Archiv für Entwicklungsmechanik der Organismen, ISSN 0374-5155
Devient : Archiv für mikroskopische Anatomie und Entwicklungsmechanik, ISSN 0365-4125
| |
| 1894 --> 1910
| | Suite de : Archiv für mikroskopische Anatomie (1865), ISSN 0176-7364
Devient : Archiv für mikroskopische Anatomie (1911), ISSN 0176-7348
| |
| 1923 --> 1925
| | Suite de : fusion Archiv für Entwicklungsmechanik der Organismen, ISSN 0374-5155 et de : Archiv für mikroskopische Anatomie (1911), ISSN 0176-7348
Devient : Wilhelm Roux' Archiv für Entwicklungsmechanik der Organismen, ISSN 0043-5546
| |
| 1954 --> 1974
| | Suite de : Fühner-Wieland's Sammlung von Vergiftungsfällen. Archiv für Toxicologie
Devient : Archives of toxicology, ISSN 0340-5761
| |
| 50(3/4)/1997 -->
| | | |
Archive for History of Exact Sciences (Archives) | 1960 --> 1996
| | | |
| 36(2)/1997 -->
| | | |
Archive for Mathematical Logic (Archives) | 1988 --> 1996
| | Suite de : Archiv für mathematische Logik und Grundlagenforschung, ISSN 0003-9268
| |
Archives for Meteorology, Geophysics, and Bioclimatology. Series B, Climatology, | 1972 --> 1985
| | Devient : Theoretical and applied climatology, ISSN 0177-798X
| |
| 73(1)/1958-->316(1)/ 316(1)/1995 -->
| 8.3/8.4 F-E | Suite de : Archives of Biochemistry (0096-9621)
| |
| 32(1)/1997 -->
| | | |
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (Archives) | 1973 --> 1996
| | | |
| 166(6)/1997 -->
| | | |
Archives of Microbiology (Archives) | 1974 --> 1996
| | Suite de : Archiv für Mikrobiologie, ISSN 0003-9276
| |
| 17(2)/1921 -->
| | Suite de : Archives Internationales de Physiologie, de Biochimie et de Biophysique (0778-3124)
| |
| 71(3)/1997 -->
| | | |
Archives of Toxicology (Archives) | 1974 --> 1996
| | Suite de : Archiv für Toxikologie, ISSN 0003-9446
| |
| 142(1)/1997 -->
| | | |
Archives of Virology (Archives) | 1975 --> 1996
| | Suite de : Archiv fuer die Gesamte Virusforschung, ISSN 0003-9012
| |
| 13(1)/1999 -->
| | Suite de : Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitation
| |
| 29(1)/2000 -->
| | Suite de : International Journal of Insect Morphology and Embryology
| |
| 1/2003 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/1988 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/2001 -->
| | | |
| 1(1)/2001 -->
| | | |
| 28(1)/1994 -->
| | Devient : Incorpore : Atmospheric Environment. Part A. General Topics and Atmospheric Environment. Part B. Urban Atmosphere
| |
| 1(1)/1967 --> 23(12)/1989
| | Devient : Scindé: Part A. General Topics-Part B. Urban Atmosphere
| |
| 24(1)/1990 --> 27(17/18)/1993
| | Suite de : partielle Atmospheric Environment (1967)
Devient : incorporé dans : Atmospheric Environment
| |
| 24(1)/1990 --> 27(4)/1993
| | Suite de : partielle Atmospheric Environment (1967)
Devient : Incorporé dans Atmospheric Environment
| |
| 20(1)/1986 -->
| | | |
| 1/2000 -->
| | | |
| LXXXI-LXXXII/2003-04 -->
| | | |
| 22/1997 -->
| | | |
| 39/1997 -->
| | | |
| 1(1/2)/1953 -->
| | Suite de : Journal of the Geological Society of Australia (0016-7614)
| |
| 31(1)/1984 -->
| | Suite de : Journal of the Geological Society of Australia, ISSN 0016-7614 (et absorbe AGSO ISSN 1320-1271)
| |
| 22(1)/1997 --> 24(6)/1999
| | Devient : Austral ecology, ISSN 1442-9985
| |