4/1843 --> 6/1854

Suite de : Abstracts of the Papers Printed in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London
Devient : Proceedings of the Royal Society of London  
1/1800 --> 4/1843

Devient : Abstracts of the Papers Communicated to the Royal Society of London  
46(3)/2000 -->
46(1)/2005 -->
46(1)/1997 -->
Acta Applicandae Mathematicae (Archives)

1983 --> 1996
Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica

37(1)/2005 -->
47(1)/2000 -->
1/1972 -->
26(1)/2006 -->
10/1997 -->
102(1)/2000 -->
9.1 C-B 
33(1)/2000 -->
1(1)/1973 --> 34(6)/2006

Devient : CLEAN - Soil, Air, Water  
I(1)/1970 -->
34(1)/1997 -->
Acta Informatica (Archives)

1971 --> 1996
16(1)/2000 -->
18(1)/2002 -->
1/1996 -->
18(1)/1997 -->
47(1)/2002 -->
39(3)/2000 --> 45(4)/2006
80/1999 -->
16(1)/2002 -->

Suite de : Artificial Intelligence in Engineering  
1(1)/1980 -->
1(1)/1969 --> 3(4)/2004
Advances in Ecological Research

31/2000 -->
22(1)/1995 -->

Suite de : Advances in Engineering Software and Workstations
Devient : Incorpore Computing Systems in Engineering  
4(1)/2000 --> 8(3/4)/2004

Devient : Incorporé dans Journal of Environmental Management  
3/1995 --> 5/1998
1/2003 -->
Advances in Marine Biology

38/2000 -->
1(1)/1952 -->
4/1996 --> 6/2000
1(1)/1977 -->
53(1/2)/1997 -->
1(1)/1982 -->
35/1997 -->
1(1)/1974 --> 7(3/4)/1982

Devient : Incorporé dans Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment  
52(1)/1995 -->

Devient : Incorpore Agriculture and Environment et Agro-Ecosystems  
1/1974 --> 8(3/4)/1982

Devient : Incorporé dans Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment  
2000 --> 2005
1(1)/1994 -->
31(1)/2007 -->
37(1)/1997 -->
17(1)/1997 -->
88(1)/2004 -->
42(1)/2005 -->
1(1)/1901 --> 204(4)/1995

Devient : Developmental dynamics, ISSN 1058-8388  
1(1)/2005 -->
1(1)/1914 --> 89(12)/2002
1(1)/2005 -->
1(1)/1878 --> 128(1)/2006
1(1)/1894 --> 111(10)/2004
1(5)/1909 --> 152(2)/2004

Suite de : Midland Naturalist  
149(5)/1997 -->
II - D 
1(1)/1867 --> 168(5)/2006
1(1)/1947 --> 56(4)/2002
36(1)/1996 --> 38(6)/1998

Devient : Integrative and Comparative Biology  
12(1)/1997 -->
72(1)/2000 -->
1(1)/1874 --> 10(6)/1883

Devient : Annals of Mathematics (The)  
299(3)/1995 -->
372(1)/2002 -->

Suite de : fusion Fresenius' journal of analytical chemistry, ISSN 0937-0633 et Analusis (Imprimé), ISSN 0365-4877  
224(1)/1995 -->
19(1)/1947 -->
1(1)/1967 -->
26/1997 -->
1(1)/1906 --> 269(6)/2002

Anatomical Record (the) Parts A & B  
270A(1)/2003 --> 288A(12)/2006

Anatomical Record (the)
Devient : The Anatomical Record: Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology  
270B(1)/2003 --> 289B(6)/2006

Anatomical Record (the)
Devient : The Anatomical Record: Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology  
290/1996 -->
1/2008 -->
195(2)/1997 -->
110/1998 -->
37/1998 -->
24(1)/2001 -->
1/1998 -->
28/1997 -->
37(2)/1995 -->
7/1998 -->
43(1)/2000 --> 47(4)/2004

Devient : European Journal of Medical Genetics  
84(1)/1998 -->
XIe Sér. 1/1938-->XI
19(1)/1998 --> 21(4)/2000
9.2 F-E 
12(1)/1994 -->
1(1)/2000 -->

Devient : Fusion de Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, physique théorique et Helvetica Physical Acta  
172(1)/1997 -->
181(1)/1999 -->
130/1997 -->
1(1)/1991 --> 14(4)/2004
71(1)/1993 -->
2(1)/1998 -->
1(1)/1930 --> 43(6)/1972
1(1)/1884 --> 156(3)/2002

Suite de : The Analyst  
1(1)/1973 --> 32(4)/2004
1(1)/1936 -->
1(1)/1973 --> 32(6)/2004
1(1)/1914 --> 91(4)/2004
1/2008 -->
1/1932 -->
1/1999 -->
37/2008 -->

Suite de : Annual Review of Biophysics and Biomolecular Structure  
1/1972 --> 13/1984

Devient : Annual Review of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry  
21/1992 --> 36/2007

Suite de : Annual Review of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry
Devient : Annual Review of Biophysics  
14/1985 --> 20/1991

Suite de : Annual Review of Biophysics and Bioengineering
Devient : Annual Review of Biophysics and Biomolecular Structure  
11/1995 -->

Suite de : Annual Review of Cell Biology  
1/1985 --> 10/1994

Devient : Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology  
1/1973 -->
1/1970 --> 33/2002

Devient : Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics  
34/2003 -->

Suite de : Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics  
1/1976 --> 15/1990

Devient : Annual Review of Energy and the Environment  
16/1991 --> 27/2002

Suite de : Annual Review of Energy
Devient : Annual Review of Environment and Resources  
28/2003 -->

Suite de : Annual Review of Energy and the Environment  
5/1995 --> 6/1996

Devient : Incorporé dans Aquaculture  
1/1969 -->
1/1967 -->
1/1983 -->
1/1947 -->
1/1950 -->
1/1939 -->
53/2002 -->

Suite de : Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology  
1/1950 --> 38/1987

Devient : Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology  
39/1988 --> 52/2001

Suite de : Annual Review of Plant Physiology
Devient : Annual Review of Plant Biology  
71(1/2)/1997 -->
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (Archives)

1933 --> 1996

Suite de : Nederlandsch tijdschrift voor hygiene, microbiologie en serologie, ISSN 0369-3821  
1/1977 -->
1(1)/1971 -->
31/1976 --> sauf 6 derniers mois

Suite de : Applied Microbiology  
1(1)/1987 -->
36(1)/2000 -->
1(1/2)/2003 -->
1(1)/1986 -->
1(1)/2004 -->
1992 --> 1995

Devient : Hydrogeology journal  
1/1953 --> 30(6)/1975

Devient : Applied and environmental Microbiology  
47(1)/1997 -->
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (Archives)

1984 --> 1996

Suite de : European journal of applied microbiology and biotechnology, ISSN 0171-1741  
1(1)/1979 -->
Applied Physics

1973 --> 1981

Suite de : Zeitschrift für Angewandte Physik, ISSN 0044-2283
Devient : Scindé en : Applied physics. A, Solids and surfaces, ISSN 0721-7250 et en : Applied physics. B, Photophysics and laser chemistry, ISSN 0721-7269  
64(2)/1997 -->
64(2)/1997 -->
Applied physics. A, Materials science & processing

1981 --> 1994

Suite de : partielle Applied physics (Berlin), ISSN 0340-3793
Devient : Applied physics. A, Solids and surfaces  
Applied physics. A, Solids and surfaces (Archives)

1995 --> 1996

Suite de : Applied physics. A, Materials science & processing (Print), ISSN 0947-8396  
1981 --> 1993

Suite de : partielle Applied physics (Berlin), ISSN 0340-3793
Devient : Applied physics. B, Lasers and optics, ISSN 0946-2171  
Applied physics. B, Photophysics and laser chemistry (Archives)

1994 --> 1996

Suite de : Applied physics. B, Lasers and optics (Print), ISSN 0946-2171  
1(1)/1952 --> 52(4)/2003
14(1)/1995 -->
129(1/4)/1995 -->

Devient : Incorpore : Annual Review of Fish Diseases  
3/1997 -->
28/1997 -->
1/1997 -->
1/1975 -->
1/1991 -->
30(4)/1997 -->

Suite de : Netherlands journal of aquatic ecology  
4(1)/2001 -->
3(1)/1997 -->
Aquatic Geochemistry (Archives)

1995 --> 1996
11(1)/1998 --> 16(6)/2003

Suite de : Rev. Inst. Sci. Tech. Pêches Marit.  
9(1)/1995 -->

Suite de : Marine Microbial Food Webs (0297-8148)  
59(1)/1997 -->
Aquatic Sciences - Research Across Boundaries (Archives)

1989 --> 1996

Suite de : Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Hydrologie, Hydrobiologie, Limnologie, Fischereiwissenschaft, Abwasserreinigung, ISSN 0036-7842  
1(1)/1981 -->
1928 --> 1954

Devient : absorbé par Internationale Zeitschrift für Angewandte Physiologie Einschliesslich Arbeitsphysiologie, ISSN 0020-9376  
3/1996 -->
68(1)/1997 -->
1939 --> 1974

Suite de : Archives of virology
Devient : Archives of virology, ISSN 0304-8608  
1895 --> 1923

Devient : fusion avec Archiv für mikroskopische Anatomie (1911), ISSN 0176-7348 pour donner : Archiv für mikroskopische Anatomie und Entwicklungsmechanik, ISSN 0365-4125  
1950 --> 1987

Devient : Archive for mathematical logic (Print), ISSN 0933-5846  
1948 --> 1986

Devient : Meteorology and atmospheric physics (Print), ISSN 0177-7971  
1930 --> 1973

Devient : Archives of microbiology, ISSN 0302-8933.  
1911 --> 1923

Suite de : fusion Archiv für mikroskopische Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte, ISSN 0176-7356 et de Archiv für Entwicklungsmechanik der Organismen, ISSN 0374-5155
Devient : Archiv für mikroskopische Anatomie und Entwicklungsmechanik, ISSN 0365-4125  
1894 --> 1910

Suite de : Archiv für mikroskopische Anatomie (1865), ISSN 0176-7364
Devient : Archiv für mikroskopische Anatomie (1911), ISSN 0176-7348  
1923 --> 1925

Suite de : fusion Archiv für Entwicklungsmechanik der Organismen, ISSN 0374-5155 et de : Archiv für mikroskopische Anatomie (1911), ISSN 0176-7348
Devient : Wilhelm Roux' Archiv für Entwicklungsmechanik der Organismen, ISSN 0043-5546  
1954 --> 1974

Suite de : Fühner-Wieland's Sammlung von Vergiftungsfällen. Archiv für Toxicologie
Devient : Archives of toxicology, ISSN 0340-5761  
50(3/4)/1997 -->
Archive for History of Exact Sciences (Archives)

1960 --> 1996
36(2)/1997 -->
Archive for Mathematical Logic (Archives)

1988 --> 1996

Suite de : Archiv für mathematische Logik und Grundlagenforschung, ISSN 0003-9268  
Archives for Meteorology, Geophysics, and Bioclimatology. Series B, Climatology,

1972 --> 1985

Devient : Theoretical and applied climatology, ISSN 0177-798X  
316(1)/1995 -->
8.3/8.4 F-E 

Suite de : Archives of Biochemistry (0096-9621)  
32(1)/1997 -->
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (Archives)

1973 --> 1996
166(6)/1997 -->
Archives of Microbiology (Archives)

1974 --> 1996

Suite de : Archiv für Mikrobiologie, ISSN 0003-9276  
17(2)/1921 -->

Suite de : Archives Internationales de Physiologie, de Biochimie et de Biophysique (0778-3124)  
71(3)/1997 -->
Archives of Toxicology (Archives)

1974 --> 1996

Suite de : Archiv für Toxikologie, ISSN 0003-9446  
142(1)/1997 -->
Archives of Virology (Archives)

1975 --> 1996

Suite de : Archiv fuer die Gesamte Virusforschung, ISSN 0003-9012  
13(1)/1999 -->

Suite de : Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitation  
29(1)/2000 -->

Suite de : International Journal of Insect Morphology and Embryology  
1/2003 -->
1(1)/1988 -->
1(1)/2001 -->
1(1)/2001 -->
28(1)/1994 -->

Devient : Incorpore : Atmospheric Environment. Part A. General Topics and Atmospheric Environment. Part B. Urban Atmosphere  
1(1)/1967 --> 23(12)/1989

Devient : Scindé: Part A. General Topics-Part B. Urban Atmosphere  
24(1)/1990 --> 27(17/18)/1993

Suite de : partielle Atmospheric Environment (1967)
Devient : incorporé dans : Atmospheric Environment  
24(1)/1990 --> 27(4)/1993

Suite de : partielle Atmospheric Environment (1967)
Devient : Incorporé dans Atmospheric Environment  
20(1)/1986 -->
1/2000 -->
LXXXI-LXXXII/2003-04 -->
22/1997 -->
39/1997 -->
1(1/2)/1953 -->

Suite de : Journal of the Geological Society of Australia (0016-7614)  
31(1)/1984 -->

Suite de : Journal of the Geological Society of Australia, ISSN 0016-7614 (et absorbe AGSO ISSN 1320-1271)  
22(1)/1997 --> 24(6)/1999

Devient : Austral ecology, ISSN 1442-9985  
1/1937 --> 41(4)/1977

Devient : Microbiological Reviews  
15/2002 -->
1(1)/2000 -->
9/1997 -->
7(1)/1996 -->
37(2)/1995 -->
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (Archives)

1976 --> 1996
1957 --> 1965

Suite de : Heidelberger Beiträge zur Mineralogie und Petrographie, ISSN 0367-5769
Devient : Contributions to mineralogy and petrology, ISSN 0010-7999  
1/1996 -->
25/2002 -->
1(1/2)/1995 --> 8(6)/2002
206(1)/1995 -->
4.2 E-A/5.2 F-E +JM 
54(1)/1995 -->

Suite de : Biochemical Medicine and Metabolic Biology
Devient : Molecular Genetics and Metabolism  
23(1)/1995 -->

Devient : Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education  
35(1/2)/1997 -->
Biochemical Genetics (Archives)

1967 --> 1996
49/1951 --> sauf 6 derniers mois
49(1)/1995 -->
1(1)/1973 -->
1(1)/1962 -->
65(12)/2000 -->
75(1)/1997 -->
28(4)/2000 --> 29(6)/2001

Suite de : Biochemical Education  
1228(1)/1995 -->

Suite de : partielle Biochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA - Biophysics inclus Photosynthesis
Devient : Incorpore Biochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA - Reviews on Bioenergetics  
1233(1)/1995 -->

Suite de : partielle Biochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA - Biophysics inclus Photosynthesis
Devient : Incorpore Biochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA - Reviews on Biomembranes  
1260(1)/1995 -->

Suite de : Biochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA - Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis  
1243(1)/1995 -->

Suite de : Biochimica et Biophysica Acta  
1254(1)/1995 --> 1394(2/3)/1998

Suite de : Biochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA - Specialized Section on Lipids and Related Subjects
Devient : Biochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids  
1436(1)/1998 -->

Suite de : Biochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA - Lipids and Lipid Metabolism  
1270(1)/1995 -->
1265(1)/1995 -->
1246(2)/1995 --> 1597(2)/2002

Suite de : Incorpore Biochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA - Enzymology and Biochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA - Protein Structure
Devient : Biochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA - Proteins and Proteomics  
1598(1/2)/2002 -->

Suite de : Biochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA - Protein Structure and Molecular Enzymology  
1241(1)/1995 --> 1516(1/3)/2002

Devient : Incorporé dans Biochimica et Biophysica Acta BBA - Biomembranes  
1242(1)/1995 -->
77(1/2)/1995 -->
1(1)/1992 -->
Biodiversity & Conservation (Archives)

1992 --> 1996
2004 -->
1(1)/1993 --> 3(6)/1996

Devient : Diversity and Distributions  
1(1)/1993 -->
51(1)/2000 -->

Suite de : Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics  
36(1)/1995 --> 50(1/2)/1999

Devient : Bioelectrochemistry  
1/1980 -->
20/1998 -->
6/1997 -->
18(1)/2002 -->
141/1995 --> 206/2000
36(1)/1997 -->
Biogeochemistry (Archives)

1984 --> 1996
1(1)/2004 -->
1(1)/2004 -->
12(1)/1996 -->
(1)/2005 -->
13(1)/2003 -->
s1-1(1)/1897 -->
1(1)/1968 -->
76(1)/1997 -->

Suite de : Kybernetik, ISSN 0023-5946  
Biological Cybernetics (Archives)

1975 --> 1996

Suite de : Kybernetik, ISSN 0023-5946  
60/1997 -->
1(1)/1998 -->
32(4)/1999 -->
72/1997 -->
27(1)/1996 -->
23(1)/1995 -->

Suite de : Journal of Biological Standardization  
30/2000 -->
24(2)/1997 -->
Biology and Fertility of Soils (Archives)

1985 --> 1996
27(6)/2000 -->
270(S1)/2003 -->
62(1)/1988 -->
LXI - C 

Suite de : Biologie cellulaire 28/77-39/80  
40/1998 -->
55/1999 -->
3(1)/1947 --> 58(4)/2002

Suite de : Biometrics Bulletin  
1(1)/1945 --> 2(6)/1946

Devient : Biometrics  
83(1)/1996 -->
1(1)/1901 --> 89(4)/2002
16(1/4)/2000 -->

Suite de : Genetic Analysis: Biomolecular Engineering  
23(1)/1995 -->
1974 --> 1984

Devient : European biophysics journal, ISSN 0175-7571  
1963 --> 1973

Devient : Radiation and environmental biophysics, ISSN 0301-634X  
1(1)/1974 -->
17(1)/1997 --> 27(6)/2007
Bioscience Reports (Archives)

1981 --> 1996
1(1)/2000 -->
34(1/3)/1995 -->

Suite de : Currents in Modern Biology 1/1967-5(4)/1974  
1(1/2)/2001 -->
4/1961 -->
1/2006 -->
12/1996 -->
1(1)/1969 --> 34(4)/2002
29/1997 -->
1(1)/1961 -->
1/2000 -->
1/2000 -->
1/2003 -->
1/2000 -->
1/2001 -->
1/2001 -->
1/2001 -->
1/2001 -->
1/2000 -->
1/2000 -->
1/2001 -->
1/2000 -->
1/2000 -->
1/2001 -->
1/2001 -->
1/2001 -->
316/1998 -->
I/1904 -->
37(1)/2003 -->
5(1)/2000 -->

Suite de : Aqua Fennica, ISSN 0356-7133  
26/1997 -->
1(1)/1875 --> 1(12)/1876

Devient : Botanical Gazette  
2(1)/1876 --> 152(4)/1991

Suite de : Botanical Bulletin
Devient : International Journal of Plant Sciences  
123/1997 -->
1972 --> 1992

Devient : Journal of plant research, ISSN 0918-9440  
82(1)/1997 -->
Boundary-Layer Meteorology (Archives)

1970 --> 1996
61(3)/2001 -->

Suite de : Revista Brasileira de Biologia  
30(1)/1997 -->

Suite de : Revista brasileira de pesquisas médicas e biologicas  
1(4)/2000 -->
1(3)/2002 -->
47(1)/1996 -->
1(1)/1952 --> 3(3)/1968

Devient : British Phycological Journal  
4(1)/1969 --> 27(4)/1992
Hall Al 2 

Suite de : British Phycological Bulletin (0374-6534)
Devient : European Journal of Phycology  
1(1)/1931 --> 54(4)/2002
93(1)/1995 --> 96(4)/1998

Devient : Incorporé dans Microbes and Infection  
23/2001 -->
25/2003 -->
20(1)/1946 --> 1995

Devient : Journal of geodesy, ISSN 0949-7714 (fusion) Manuscripta geodetica, ISSN 0340-8825  
55(1)/1997 -->

Suite de : Bulletin of the International Association of Engineering Geology, ISSN 0074-1612  
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment (Archives)

1998 -->

Suite de : Bulletin of the International Association of Engineering Geology, ISSN 0074-1612  
58(1)/1997 -->
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (Archives)

1966 --> 1996
78(1)/2003 -->

Suite de : Vestník ceského geologického ústavu  
59(1)/1997 -->
1(1)/1995 --> 13(3)/2007
1(1)/1970 -->
Bulletin of the International Association of Engineering Geology (Archives)

1970 --> 1997

Devient : Bulletin of engineering geology and the environment (Print), ISSN 1435-9529  
1(1)/1969 --> 28(6)/1996
39(1)/2007 -->
1(1)/1870 --> 123(4)/1996

Devient : Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society  
58(6)/1997 -->
Bulletin of Volcanology (Archives)

1986 --> 1996

Suite de : Bulletin volcanologique, ISSN 0366-483X  
1924 --> 1984

Devient : Bulletin of volcanology (Print), ISSN 0258-8900  
35(1)/1998 -->
1(1)/1993 -->
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations (Archives)

1993 --> 1996
27(1)/2005 -->
1/1973 -->
76(1)/1998 -->
35(1)/1998 -->
53(1)/1996 -->

Suite de : Journal of Fisheries Research Board of Canada (1/1934-36/1979)  
44(1)/1998 -->
75(1)/1997 -->
1(1)/1973 --> 32(4)/2004
76(1)/1998 -->
266(1)/1995 -->
1/2006 -->
(avril)/2001 -->
2002 -->
1/1973-1974 -->
80(1)/1995 -->
1/2002 -->
287(2)/1997 -->
Cell and Tissue Research (Archives)

1974 --> 287(1)/1996

Suite de : Zeitschrift für Zellforschung und mikroskopische Anatomie (1948), ISSN 0340-0336  
Cell Biochemistry & Biophysics

32(1/3)/2000 -->
1/1983 -->
1/2002 -->
19(1)/1995 -->

Suite de : Cell Biology International Reports  
17(1)/1995 -->
1/2003 -->
1(1)/1980 --> 5(6)/1985

Devient : Cell Motility and Cytoskeleton  
6(1)/1986 --> 66(12)/2009

Suite de : Cell Motility (0271-6585)
Devient : Cytoskelon  
30/1997 -->
1/1989 --> 2(12)/1991

Devient : Molecular Biology of the Cell  
9(1)/1999 -->
1(1)/2007 -->
24(1)/1999 -->
5(1)/2000 --> 10(1)/2005
Cellular and molecular life sciences (Archives)

53(1)/1997 -->

Suite de : Experientia, ISSN 0014-4754  
160(1)/1995 -->
1/1999 -->
7(1)/1995 -->
1/2000 -->
1/1966 -->

Suite de : Incorpore Chemical Geology: Isotope Geoscience section  
1/2001 -->
94(1)/1995 -->
62(1)/2002 -->
34/2000 -->
34/2003 -->
2(1)/1995 -->
1/2006 -->
7/2001 -->
1/2004 -->
1(1)/1982 -->
75(1)/1995 -->
1/2006 -->
8(1)/1998 -->
Chemoecology (Archives)

1990 --> 1996
27(1)/1995 -->

Suite de : Incorpore Laboratory Automation & Information Management  
1(1)/1972 -->

Suite de : Incorpore Chemosphere - Global Change Science  
1(1)/1999 --> 3(4)/2001

Devient : Incorporé dans Chemosphere  
1/2000 -->
10(1)/2001 -->
18(1)/2001 -->
44(1/2)/1997 -->
Chromatographia (Archives)

1968 --> 1996
105(6)/1997 -->
Chromosoma (Archives)

1947 --> 1996

Suite de : Zeitschrift für Zellforschung und mikroskopische Anatomie. Abteilung B, Chromosoma, ISSN 0932-8920  
5(1)/1997 -->
Chromosome Research (Archives)

1993 --> 1996
27(1)/2004 -->
21(3)/1995 -->
8/1999 -->

Suite de : CIESM Workshop Series (1563-2727)  
16(1)/1997 -->
13/1997 -->
1(1)/1984 -->
35/2007 -->
1(1)/1998 -->

Suite de : Clean Products and Processes  
13(2)/1997 -->
Climate Dynamics (Archives)

1986 --> 1996
1(1)/2005 -->
1(1)/2005 -->
1(1)/1990 --> sauf 4 dernières ann
35(1)/1997 -->
Climatic Change (Archives)

1977 --> 1996
27(1)/1999 -->
23(2)/1995 -->
15(1)/1984 --> 35(5)/2004

Suite de : The Two-Year College Mathematics Journal  
1(1)/1981 -->
Combinatorica (Archives)

1981 --> 1996
1(1)/1929 --> 79(4)/2004
1/1998 -->
183(3)/1997 -->
Communications in Mathematical Physics (Archives)

1965 --> 1996
1(1)/1996 -->
1(1)/1973 -->
119(1)/1998 -->

Suite de : Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Physiology  
110(1)/1995 --> 127(3)/2000

Suite de : Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Comparative Pharmacology
Devient : Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology  
128(1)/2001 -->

Suite de : Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Pharmacology, Toxicology and Endocrinology  
110(1)/1995 --> 118(1)/1997
6.1/6.2 F-D 

Suite de : Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology (0010-406X) (partielle)
Devient : Comparative Biochemistry and physiology. Part A. Molecular and integrative physiology  
110(1)/1995 -->
6.1/6.2 F-D 

Suite de : Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology (0010-406X) (partielle)  
2/1996 -->
40/1997 -->
325(1)/2002 -->

Suite de : Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series III - Sciences de la Vie  
5(1)/2002 -->

Suite de : Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIC - Chemistry  
324(1)/1997 --> 333(12)/2001

Devient : Comptes Rendus Mathematique  
324(10)/1997 --> 333(12)/2001
1(1)/1998 --> 4(12)/2002

Devient : Comptes Rendus Chimie  
320(1)/1997 --> 324(12)/2001

Suite de : C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris- Série III
Devient : Comptes Rendus Biologies  
324(1)/2002 -->

Suite de : partielle Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIA - Earth and Planetary Science  
334(1)/2002 -->

Suite de : Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series I - Mathematics  
1(1)/2002 -->

Suite de : partielle Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIA - Earth and Planetary Science  
27(1)/2003 -->

Suite de : Computers & Chemistry  
7(1)/1998 -->
Computational Complexity (Archives)

1991 --> 1996
1(1)/1997 -->
1/1983 -->
XIX - C 
31(1/2)/1999 -->

Suite de : Computer Networks and ISDN Systems  
27(4)/1995 --> 30(24)/1998

Suite de : Computer Networks 1976
Devient : Computer Networks  
1(1)/1983 -->

Devient : Incorporé dans Physics Reports  
21(1)/1995 -->
29(1)/1995 -->
58(1)/1997 -->
Computing (Archives)

1966 --> 1996
1(1)/1997 -->
8/2000 -->
11/1997 -->
1(1)/1987 --> 15(6)/2001
Conservation Genetics

1(1)/2000 -->
1/2008 -->
13(1)/1997 -->
1(1)/1982 -->
9(1)/1997 -->
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics (Archives)

1989 --> 1996
126(3)/1997 -->
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology (Archives)

1966 --> 1996

Suite de : Beiträge zur Mineralogie und Petrographie, ISSN 0366-1369  
67(1)/1997 -->
16(1)/1997 -->
Coral Reefs (Archives)

1982 --> 1996
(78)/1977 --> (167)/2006

Devient : Space Research Today  
1(1)/1980 -->
1(1)/1970 -->
1(1)/1972 -->
28(1)/1998 -->
1(1)/1971 -->
32(1)/1995 -->
20(1)/1999 --> 22(4)/2001

Suite de : Revue Algologique  
4/1977 --> 25/1999

Devient : Journal of Iberian Geology, ISSN 1698-6180  
5(1)/1995 -->
8.4 C 
1/2008 -->
31(1)/1997 -->
Current genetics (Archives)

1979 --> 1996
34(1)/1997 -->
Current Microbiology (Archives)

1978 --> 1996
7(1)/1995 -->
8.1 D 
5(1)/1995 -->
8.4 B 
1(1)/1998 -->
5(1)/1995 -->
240(pt1)/1997 -->
1/1932 -->
14/1997 -->
1/2004 -->
7(1)/1995 -->
7(1)/1996 -->

Suite de : Progress in Growth Factor Research  
27/1997 -->
67/2010 -->

Suite de : Cell Motility and Cytoskeleton  
23(1/3)/1997 -->

Suite de : Absorbe Methods in Cell Science  
Cytotechnology (Archives)

1(1)/1987 --> 1996

Suite de : Absorbe Methods in Cell Science, ISSN 1573-0603  
24(1)/1977 --> 25(12)/1978

Suite de : Deep Sea Research and Oceanographic Abstracts
Devient : Scindé : Deep Sea Res. Pt A. Oceanographic Research Papers / Deep Sea Res. Pt B. Oceanographic Literature Review  
1(1)/1953 --> 8(3/4)/1961

Devient : Deep Sea Research and Oceanographic Abstracts  
9(1/2)/1962 --> 23(12)/1976

Suite de : Deep Sea Research (1953)
Devient : Deep Sea Research  
26(1)/1979 --> 39(11/12)/1992

Suite de : Deep Sea Research
Devient : Scindé : Deep Sea Res. Pt I. Oceanographic Research Papers and Deep Sea Res. Pt II. Topical Studies in Oceanography  
26(1)/1979 --> 39(11)/1992

Suite de : Deep Sea Research  
42(1)/1995 -->

Suite de : Deep-Sea Research. Part A. Oeanographic research papers (0198-0149)  
42(1)/1995 -->

Suite de : Fusion des numéros spéciaux Continental Shelf Research/Deep-Sea Research  
1997 --> 1999

Suite de : Annalen der Hydrographie und maritimen Meteorologie, ISSN 0174-8114
Devient : Ocean dynamics (Print), ISSN 1616-7341  
Deutsche hydrographische Zeitschrift (Archives)

1948 --> 1996

Suite de : Annalen der Hydrographie und maritimen Meteorologie, ISSN 0174-811
Devient : Ocean dynamics (Print), ISSN 1616-7341  
99(1)/1987 -->

Suite de : J. Embryol. Exp. Morphol.  
206(6)/1997 -->

Suite de : Roux's archives of developmental biology, ISSN 0930-035X  
167(1)/1995 -->
205/1996 -->
1(1)/1979 --> 25(4)/1999

Devient : Genesis, The Journal of Genetics and Development  
23/1998 --> 24/1999
1/2003 -->
4/1996 -->
8/2003 -->
1/2007 -->
39/1997 -->
36(1)/2000 -->
17(1)/1997 -->
Discrete and Computational Geometry (Archives)

1986 --> 1996
4/1998 -->
4(1)/1998 --> 12(5)/2006

Suite de : Biodiversity Letters  
3(1)/1996 -->
1(1)/1990 --> 19(3)/2008

Devient : Mitochondrial DNA  
373-375/2000 -->
375(1/6)/2000 -->
1(1)/1986 -->

Suite de : Dynamics and Stability of Systems (0268-1110, 1465-3389)  
1(1)/1976 -->
1(1)/2001 -->
1(1)/1966 -->
8(1)/2004 -->

Suite de : Geofisica Colombiana  
22/1997 -->
1(1)/1966 -->
97(1)/2004 --> 99(3)/2006

Devient : Swiss Journal of Geosciences  
20/1997 -->
1/2008 -->
1(1)/1991 --> 13(6)/2003
1(1)/2004 -->
22/1997 -->
1(1)/2001 -->
1(1)/2006 -->
1/2000 -->
1(1)/1975 -->
XI - D 
1(1)/1931 --> 73(4)/2003
12(1)/1997 -->
1(1)/1986 --> 11(3)/1996
1(1)/1997 -->

Suite de : Conservation Ecology  
1(1)/1920 --> 86(12)/2005
1/1998 -->
6/1997 -->
1(1)/1933 --> 73(6)/2005
XIV(01)/2005 -->
1(1)/1998 -->
6(1)/1997 -->
Ecotoxicology (Archives)

1994 --> 1996
1(1)/1988 -->
1(1/2)/1968 --> 57(3)/2004
1(1)/2006 -->
1(1)/2006 -->
1(1)/2004 -->
10/1998 -->
1(1)/1988 --> 5(2)/1992

Devient : Incorporé dans Micron  
(1)/1994 -->
20/1999 -->
61/1996 -->
16(1)/1997 -->
1(1)/2000 -->
19(1)/1995 -->
1/2001 -->
82/1997 -->
1(1/2)/1978 -->
4(1)/1997 -->
Environmental and Ecological Statistics (Archives)

1(1)/1994 --> 3(4)/1996
16(1)/1976 -->

Suite de : Radiation Botany  
10/1987 -->
1(1)/2006 -->
48(1/4)/1997 -->
Environmental Biology of Fishes (Archives)

1976 --> 1996
1(1)/2004 -->
1(1)/2003 -->
1(1)/2001 -->
1(1)/2000 -->
19(1)/1997 -->
Environmental Geochemistry and Health (Archives)

1985 --> 1996

Suite de : Minerals and the environment, ISSN 0142-7245  
29(1/2)/1997 -->
1975 --> 1984
Environmental Geology (Archives)

1993 --> 1996

Suite de : Environmental geology and water sciences, ISSN 0177-5146  
1984 --> 1992

Suite de : Environmental geology (New York), ISSN 0099-0094
Devient : Environmental geology (Berlin), ISSN 0943-0105  
1/1972 --> 115(6)/2007
21(1)/1997 -->
Environmental Management (Archives)

1977 --> 1996
1/1999 -->
1/2009 -->
2(1/2)/1997 -->
Environmental Modeling & Assessment (Archives)

1996 --> 1996
12(1)/1997 -->

Suite de : Environmental Software  
44(1/3)/1997 -->
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (Archives)

1981 --> 1996
1(1)/1979 --> 9(S9)/1987

Devient : Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis  
43(1)/1987 -->

Suite de : Environmental Pollution Series A, Ecological and Biological et Environmental Pollution Series B, Chemical and Physical  
1(1)/1970 --> 20(4)/1979

Devient : Scindé: Series A, Ecological and Biological-Series B, Chemical and Physical  
21(1)/1980 --> 42(4)/1986

Suite de : Environmental Pollution (1970)
Devient : Environmental Pollution  
1(1)/1980 --> 12(4)/1986

Suite de : Environmental Pollution (1970)
Devient : Environmental Pollution  
1(1)/1967 -->
1(1)/1993 -->
1(1)/1998 -->
12(1)/2005 -->
1(1)/1986 --> 11(4)/1996

Devient : Environmental Modelling & Software  
14/1999 -->

Suite de : Environmental Toxicology and Water Quality  
29/2010 -->
11(1)/1996 --> 13(4)/1998

suite de : Toxicity Assessment
Devient : Environmental Toxicology  
1/1990 -->
17(1)/1995 -->
1/1998 --> 4/2003

Devient : Intégré dans The European Physical Journal A-E.  
1933 --> 1974

Devient : Reviews of physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology, ISSN 0303-4240  
1(1)/1973 --> 11(6)/1980

Suite de : Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science  
12(1)/1980 -->
II - D 

Suite de : Estuarine and Coastal Marine Science  
2001 -->
1/2002 --> sauf 6 derniers mois
25(3)/1997 -->
European Biophysics Journal (Archives)

1984 --> (European biophysics )/1996

Suite de : Biophysics of structure and mechanism, ISSN 0340-1057  
1975 --> 1977

Devient : European journal of applied microbiology and biotechnology, ISSN 0171-1741  
1978 --> 1983

Suite de : European journal of applied microbiology, ISSN 0340-2118
Devient : Applied microbiology and biotechnology, ISSN 0175-7598  
81(1/2)/2000 -->

Suite de : European journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology, ISSN 0301-5548  
75(2)/1997 --> 80(6)/1999

Suite de : Internationale Zeitschrift für Angewandte Physiologie Einschliesslich Arbeitsphysiologie, ISSN 0020-9376
Devient : European Journal of Applied Physiology, ISSN 1439-6319  
European journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology (Archives)

1973 --> 1996

Suite de : Internationale Zeitschrift für Angewandte Physiologie Einschliesslich Arbeitsphysiologie, ISSN 0020-9376
Devient : European journal of applied physiology, ISSN 1439-6319  
243(1/2)/1997 --> 271(23/24)/2004

Suite de : Biochemische Zeitschrift, ISSN 0366-0753
Devient : FEBS Journal, ISSN 1742-464X  
79(1)/2000 -->

Suite de : Cytobiologie 1/69-18/79  
1(1)/1985 --> 19(12)/2004
102/2000 -->
28(1)/1993 -->
1(1)/1980 -->
37(1)/2001 -->
43(1)/1997 -->
European Journal of Wildlife Research (Archives)

1955 --> 1996

Suite de : European journal of wildlife research (Print)  
1(1)/1998 -->

Suite de : Zeitschrift für Physik A Hadrons and Nuclei  
1(1)/1998 -->

Suite de : Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter  
1(1/2)/1998 -->

Suite de : Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields  
1(1)/1998 -->

Suite de : Zeitschrift für Physik D Atoms, Molecules and Clusters  
1(1)/2000 -->
28(1)/1997 --> 30(5/6)/1999
54/2000 -->
1(1/2)/1947 --> 58(12)/2004
1/1999 -->
11(1)/1997 -->
Evolutionary Ecology (Archives)

1987 --> 1996
1945 --> 1996

Devient : Cellular and molecular life sciences (Printed ed), ISSN 1420-682X  
1(1)/1996 --> 6(1)/2001
216(1)/1995 -->
5.2 D-A/4.4 C-A +JM 
84/1999 -->
21/1997 -->
22(3)/1997 -->
Experiments in Fluids (Archives)

1983 --> 1996
14/1997 -->
1(1)/1998 -->
1(1)/1997 -->
36(1)/1997 -->
Facies (Archives)

1979 --> 1996
272/2005 -->

Suite de : European Journal of Biochemistry  
1(1)/1968 -->
113/2002 -->
12(1)/1993 --> 51(1)/2004
22/1997 -->
146/1997 -->
19/1997 -->
1/2000 -->
16(1)/1997 -->
Fish Physiology and Biochemistry (Archives)

1986 --> 1996
1/1997 -->
6/1997 -->
21(3/4)/1995 -->
97(1)/1999 -->
IX - B 
60(1)/1998 -->
26/2001 -->
46/1998 -->
8/2005 -->
Fossils and Strata

1/1995 -->
357(1)/1997 --> 371(8)/2001

Suite de : Fresenius' Zeitschrift für Analytische Chemie, ISSN 0016-1152
Devient : Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, ISSN 1618-2650 (fusion) Analusis, ISSN 0365-4877 / Química analítica (Barcelona), ISSN 0212-0569  
Fresenius' journal of analytical chemistry (Archives)

1990 --> 1996

Suite de : Fresenius' Zeitschrift für Analytische Chemie, ISSN 0016-1152
Devient : fusion de Analusis, ISSN 0365-4877 et Química analítica (Barcelona), ISSN 0212-0569  
1947 --> 1989

Suite de : Zeitschrift für Analytische Chemie, ISSN 0372-7920
Devient : Fresenius' journal of analytical chemistry, ISSN 0937-0633  
37/1997 -->
1/2004 -->
1936 --> 1954

Suite de : Sammlung von Vergiftungsfällen, ISSN 0370-8497
Devient : Archiv für Toxikologie, ISSN 0003-9446  
1(1)/2000 -->
11/1997 -->
1(1)/1987 --> 17(6)/2003
1998 -->
30/2007 -->
64(2)/2000 -->
152(1)/1995 -->
1(1)/2001 -->
97(1)/1995 -->
1(1)/1987 -->
2/1997 -->
26/1996 -->
12(1)/1995 --> 15(6)/1999

Suite de : Gene Analysis Techniques
Devient : Biomolecular Engineering  
99(1)/1997 -->
Genetica (Archives)

1919 --> 1996
41(1)/1998 -->
1/2000 -->
1(1)/1991 --> sauf 6 derniers mois
4(1)/2006 -->
17(1)/1997 -->
Geo-marine Letters (Archives)

1981 --> 1996
1/1986 -->
1/2003 -->
1(1)/1968 -->
14(1)/1999 -->
4/2004 -->
1(1)/2000 -->
1(1)/1950 -->
11(1)/1998 --> 16(2/6)/2003

Suite de : Rev. Geogr. Phys. & Geol. Dyn.  
26(1)/2004 -->
36(1)/1997 -->
1939 --> 1963

Devient : Pure and applied geophysics (Printed ed), ISSN 0033-4553  
3(1)/1986 -->
14/1997 -->
1/2001 -->
41(1)/1997 -->
GeoJournal (Archives)

1977 --> 1996
46(1)/1993 -->
2003 -->
1/1951 -->
56(1)/1945 --> 119(11)/2007
86(1)/1997 --> 87(4)/1999

Devient : International Journal of Earth Sciences  
Geologische Rundschau (Archives)

1910 --> 1996

Devient : International journal of earth sciences (1999. Print), ISSN 1437-3254  
1(1)/1973 -->
13/1997 -->
1(1)/2006 -->
7(1)/1997 -->
16(1)/1999 -->
1(1)/1987 -->
8(1)/1977 -->

Suite de : Geophysical fluid dynamics  
2(1)/1971 --> 7(1)/1975
128/1997 -->
Geophysical Research Letters

29(1)/2002 -->
Geophysical Research Letters (Archives)

1(1)/1974 --> 36(24)/2009
1972 --> 1985

Devient : Surveys in geophysics, ISSN 0169-3298  
1(1)/2005 -->
21/1997 -->
23/2001 -->
1(1/2)/1989 -->
Global Biogeochemical Cycles

16(1)/2002 -->
Global Biogeochemical Cycles (Archives)

1(1)/1987 --> 23(4)/2009
3/1997 -->
7/1998 -->
8(1)/1999 --> 10(6)/2001

Suite de : Global Ecology and Biogeography Letters  
1(1)/1991 --> 7(6)/1998

Devient : Global Ecology and Biogeography  
1(1)/1990 -->
1/? -->
6(1)/1996 -->
2(1)/1998 -->
14(1)/1998 -->
Graphs and Combinatorics (Archives)

1985 --> 1996
35/1997 -->
17/1997 -->
1(1)/1988 -->
2(1)/1997 -->
11(1)/2001 -->
1(1)/2002 -->
1947 --> 1957

Devient : Beiträge zur Mineralogie und Petrographie, ISSN 0366-1369  
53(1)/1999 -->

Suite de : Helgoländer Meeresuntersuchungen, ISSN 0174-3597  
Helgoländer Meeresuntersuchungen (Archives)

1980 --> 1996

Suite de : Helgoländer Wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen, ISSN 0017-9957
Devient : Helgoland marine research (Print), ISSN 1438-387X  
1937 --> 1979

Suite de : Wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen, Abteilung Helgoland
Devient : Helgoländer Meeresuntersuchungen, ISSN 0174-3597  
81/1998 -->
29(4)/1997 --> 34(11/12)/2002

Devient : Journal of Molecular Histology  
Histochemical journal (Archives)

1968 --> 1996

Devient : Journal of molecular histology (Print), ISSN 1567-2379  
1964 --> 1973

Suite de : Zeitschrift für Zellforschung und mikroskopische Anatomie. Abteilung Histochemie, ISSN 0340-0239
Devient : Histochemistry (Berlin), ISSN 0301-5564  
1974 --> 1994

Suite de : Histochemie (Berlin), ISSN 0018-2222
Devient : Histochemistry and cell biology, ISSN 0948-6143  
107(1)/1997 -->
Histochemistry and Cell Biology (Archives)

1995 --> 1996

Suite de : Histochemistry (Berlin), ISSN 0301-5564  
15(4)/2001 -->
342/343/1997 -->

Devient : absorbe International Journal of Salt Lake Research (2004) et Journal of Aquatic Ecosystem Stress and Recovery (Formerly Journal of Aquatic Ecosystem Health) (2003)  
Hydrobiologia (Archives)

1948 --> 1996

Suite de : absorbe International journal of salt lake research, ISSN 1037-0544 / Journal of aquatic ecosystem stress and recovery, ISSN 1386-1980  
7(1)/1973 --> 25(3)/1992

Suite de : Mededelingen van de Hydrobiologische vereniging
Devient : Netherlands journal of aquatic ecology  
5(1)/1997 -->
Hydrogeology Journal (Archives)

1995 --> 1996

Suite de : Applied hydrogeology  
1(1)/1997 -->
1(1)/2004 -->
52(1)/1995 -->
IX - C 

Suite de : J. Cons. int. Explor. Mer [1/1926 à 47(3)/1991]  
9(1/2)/2002 -->
44(1)/1997 -->
Ichthyological Research (Archives)

1996 --> 1996
90/2001 -->
16(1)/1996 -->
1985 --> 1993

Suite de : In vitro, ISSN 0073-5655
Devient : scindé en In vitro cellular & developmental biology. Animal (Print), ISSN 1071-2690 et In vitro cellular & developmental biology. Plant, ISSN 1054-5476  
33(1)/1997 -->
In vitro cellular & developmental biology. Animal (Archives)

1993 --> 1996

Suite de : scission In vitro cellular & developmental biology, ISSN 0883-8364  
1(1)/1950 --> 11(3)/1961

Devient : Statistician  
1(1)/1990 -->

Suite de : Incorpore Indagationes Mathematicae Proceedings  
72(1)/1969 --> 92(4)/1989

Devient : Incorporé dans Indagationes Mathematicae  
1(1)/1978 -->
13(1)/2002 -->
36(1)/1996 -->

Suite de : American Zoologist  
1/2006 -->
68/1990 -->
58/1995 -->
22/1996 -->
27(1)/1995 -->

Suite de : International Journal of Biochemistry  
1957 --> 1960

Devient : International journal of biometeorology (Print), ISSN 0020-7128  
17(1)/1995 -->
1(1)/2005 -->
40(1)/1997 -->
1961 --> 1996

Suite de : International journal of bioclimatology and biometeorology, ISSN 0367-8253  
1/1981 -->
88(1)/1999 -->

Suite de : Geologische Rundschau (1910. Print), ISSN 0016-7835  
1(1)/1971 -->
24(1)/1995 --> 28(4)/1999

Devient : Arthropod Structure & Development  
176(1/2)/1998 -->

Suite de : International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes  
141(1)/1995 --> 175(3)/1998

Suite de : International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Physics
Devient : International Journal of Mass Spectrometry  
1(1)/1970 -->
1982 --> 1989

Devient : Mine water and the environment  
153(1)/1992 --> 167(5)/2006

Suite de : Botanical Gazette  
1(1)/1980 -->
34(1)/1997 -->

Suite de : International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanics Abstracts  
32(1)/1995 --> 33(8)/1996

Devient : International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences  
6(1)/1997 --> 8(4)/1999

Devient : Inclus dans Hydrobiologia  
1(1)/2005 -->
1(1)/1998 -->
83/1998 -->
40(1)/1972 --> 70(3)/2002

Suite de : Revue de l'Institut International de Statistique / Review of the International Statistical Institute  
65/1997 -->
14(1)/2000 --> 20(3)/2006
35/1997 -->
44(1/4)/1959 --> 82(4)/1997

Suite de : Internationale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie und Hydrographie
Devient : International Review of Hydrobiology  
1(1/2)/1908 --> 43(4/6)/1943

Devient : Internationale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie  
1955 --> 1973

Suite de : absorbe Arbeitsphysiologie, ISSN 0365-0863 et Luftfahrtmedizin, ISSN 0368-7651
Devient : European journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology, ISSN 0301-5548  
1(1)/2002 -->
1(1)/1966 -->
1(1)/1985 -->
119/2000 -->
2(4)/1997 -->
Invertebrate Neuroscience (Archives)

1995 --> 1996
1(1)/2004 -->
22(1)/1994 -->
3(3/4)/1999 -->
6/1997 -->
50(1)/1995 -->

Suite de : Photogrammetria  
50/2010 --> /2010
73(1)/2006 -->

Suite de : Bolletino di zoologia (0373-4137)
Devient : boll. zool. jusqu'en 1995  
39(1)/1996 -->

Suite de : Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International (1039-9712)  
42(1)/2006 -->
2000 -->
1(1)/1970 --> 33(5)/2002
1/1985 --> 11/2002
1(1)/1970 -->
1(1)/1983 -->
1(1)/1996 --> 7(4)/2002
55(12)/2000 -->
190/1997 -->
67/1998 -->
1(1)/1932 --> 72(6)/2003
1(1)/2007 -->
35/1998 -->
1(1)/1964 --> 40(6)/2003
29(1)/1992 -->

Suite de : Geoexploration  
13/1997 -->
9(1)/1997 -->
Journal of Applied Phycology (Archives)

1989 --> 1996
1(1)/1964 --> 41(4)/2004
6(1)/1997 --> 9(4)/2001

Devient : inclus dans Hydrobiologia  
15(1)/1997 -->

Suite de : Journal of Southeast Asian Earth Sciences  
10(1)/2005 --> 10(4)/2005

Suite de : The global atmosphere and ocean system  
59(1)/1997 -->

Suite de : Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics  
1(1)/1980 --> 58(16)/1996

Devient : Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics  
26(1)/1997 -->
Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry (Archives)

1983 --> 1996
1/1916 --> sauf 6 derniers mois
38/1998 -->
30(1)/1995 -->
1(1)/1959 --> 3(4)/1961

Devient : Biotechnology and Bioengineering  
12/1998 -->
11(1)/1996 --> 11(6)/1996

Devient : Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology  
119(1)/1996 -->
1(1)/1968 -->
1(1)/1974 --> 28(11/12)/2001
1(1)/2007 -->
2(1)/1997 -->
Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry (Archives)

1996 --> 1996
23(1)/1997 -->
Journal of Biological Physics (Archives)

1973 --> 1996
1/2004 -->
2001 -->
1(1)/2002 -->
1(1)/1979 -->
1(1)/1955 --> sauf 6 derniers mois
1(1)/1966 -->
XLI - B 

Suite de : Quaterly Journal of Microscopical Sciences (0370-2952)  
18/1982 -->
166/1996 -->
23(1)/1997 -->
Journal of Chemical Ecology (Archives)

1975 --> 1996
689(1)/1995 -->
766(2)/2002 -->

Suite de : Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Sciences and Applications  
663(1)/1995 --> 765(2)/2001

Devient : Journal of Chromatography B  
14(1)/1997 -->
Journal of classification (Archives)

1984 --> 1996
1972 --> 1974

Suite de : Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Physiologie, ISSN 0044-362X
Devient : scindé en Journal of comparative physiology. A, Sensory, neural, and behavioral physiology, ISSN 0340-7594 et Journal of comparative physiology. B, Metabolic and transport functions, ISSN 03  
180(2)/1997 -->
167(1)/1997 -->
Journal of comparative physiology. A Sensory, neural & behav. physiol. (Archive)

1974 --> 1996

Suite de : partielle Journal of comparative physiology, ISSN 0302-9824  
1(1)/1992 --> 11(4)/2002
(fev)/2003 -->
1(1)/1965 -->
109(1)/2000 -->

Suite de : Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-Earth and Planetary Sciences  
86/1998 -->
1(1)/1913 --> 91(6)/2003
19(3)/1994 --> 29(4)/2004

Suite de : Journal of Educational Statistics  
1(1)/1976 --> 19(2)/1994

Devient : Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics  
45(1)/1996 -->
1(1)/2002 -->
18(5)/2006 -->
44/1997 -->
1(1)/2001 -->
36(3)/2000 -->
47(1)/1996 -->
1(1)/1967 -->
V - H 
274(1)/1996 --> 294(4)/2002
XVI - C 

Devient : Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution  
295(1)/2003 --> 305A(12)/2006

Suite de : Journal of Experimental Zoology
Devient : Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology  
370A(1)/2007 -->

Suite de : Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Comparative Experimental Biology  
77/2006 -->
50/1997 -->
9(1)/1995 -->
7(4)/1997 -->
Journal of Fluorescence (Archives)

1991 --> 1996
3(1)/1997 -->
1(1)/1972 -->
71(2)/1997 -->

Suite de : fusion Manuscripta geodetica, ISSN 0340-8825 et Bulletin géodésique, ISSN 0007-4632  
Journal of geodesy (Archives)

1995 --> 1996

Suite de : fusion Manuscripta geodetica, ISSN 0340-8825 et Bulletin géodésique, ISSN 0007-4632  
1(1)/1984 -->
1(1)/1999 -->
58(1/2)/1997 -->
Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres

107(D1)/2002 -->
Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres (Archives)

89(D1)1984 --> 11(24)/2002
Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences

110(G1)/2005 -->
Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface

108(F1)/2003 -->
Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans

107(C1)/2002 -->
Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans (Archives)

83(C1)/1978 --> 114(12)/2009
Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets

1007(E1)/2002 -->
Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets (Archives)

96(E1)/1991 --> 114(12)/2009
Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth

107(B1)/2002 -->
Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth (Archives)

83(B1)/1978--> 114(12)/2009
1(1)/2004 -->
87(1)/1996 -->
(jui)/1997 -->
18(3)/2006 -->
1(1)/1963 -->
26/2000 -->

Suite de : Cuadernos de Geologia Ibéria, ISSN 0378-102X  
46(1)/2006 -->
1/2001 -->
58(1)/1999 -->

Suite de : Memorie dell'Istituto italiano di Idrobiologia  
11(1)/1995 --> 17(3)/1997

Devient : Incorporé dans Prostaglandins and Other Lipid Mediators  
2005 -->
(1)/1887 --> 40/1961
51(1)/1993 -->
2(1)/1997 -->
1(1/2)/1990 -->
1(1)/1974 -->
XI - C 
Journal of Mathematical Biology (Archives)

1974 --> 1996
1(1)/1987 -->
Journal of Mathematical Chemistry (Archives)

1987 --> 1996
1(1)/1999 -->
1(1)/2002 -->
1(1)/1973 -->
155(1)/1997 -->
15/1997 -->
21(1)/1995 -->
1(1)/1991 -->
1(1)/1954 -->
1(1)/2005 -->
245(1)/1995 -->
4.1/4.2 F 
44(1)/1997 -->
Journal of Molecular Evolution (Archives)

1971 --> 1996
35(1)/2004 -->

Suite de : Histochemical Journal, ISSN 0018-2214  
3(1)/1997 -->
Journal of Molecular Modeling (Archives)

1995 --> 1996
1/1988 -->
62(1)/1996 -->
227/1996 -->
1(1)/1971 -->
7.1 A 
18(1)/1997 -->
1(1)/1967 -->

Suite de : Annals & Magazine of Natural History (0374-5481)  
1(1)/2004 -->
1(1)/1983 -->
1(1)/1991 -->
1(1)/1991 -->
1/1980 -->
53(1)/1997 -->
Journal of Oceanography (Archives)

1992 --> 1996

Suite de : Nihon Kaiyo Gakkaishi, ISSN 0029-8131  
1(1)/1970 --> 29(6)/1998

Suite de : Nouvelle Revue d'Optique (1973-1976) ; Nouvelle Revue d'Optique Appliquée (1970-1972)
Devient : Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics (fusion de : Journal of Optics (1992-1198) et Pure and Applied Optics: Journal of the European Optical Society Part A (1992-1998)  
1(1)/1999 -->

Suite de : Fusion de : Journal of Optics (1992-1998) et Pure and Applied Optics: Journal of the European Optical Society Part A (1992-1998)  
1(1)/1999 -->

Suite de : Quantum and Semiclassical Optics: Journal of the European Optical Society Part B (1995-1998)  
17(1)/1997 -->
Journal of Paleolimnology (Archives)

1988 --> 1996
2/1996 -->
20/1997 -->
37(1)/1996 -->
85(1/2)/1995 -->

Suite de : partielle de Journal of Photochemistry  
27(1)/1995 -->

Suite de : partielle de Journal of Photochemistry  
1(1)/2000 -->
33/1997 -->
1(1)/1968 -->

Suite de : Journal of Physics A: Mathematical, Nuclear and General (1973-1974)  
1(1)/1968 -->

Suite de : Journal of Physics A: General Physics (1968-1972)
Devient : Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General  
1(1)/1968 -->

Suite de : Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics (1968-1987)  
1(1)/1968 -->

Suite de : British Journal of Applied Physics (1950-1967)  
1(1)/1968 -->

Suite de : Journal of Scientific Instruments (1923-1967)
Devient : Measurement Science and Technology  
1(1)/1975 -->

Suite de : Journal of Physics G: Nuclear Physics (1975-1988)  
1(1)/1989 -->

Suite de : Fusion de : Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics (1968-1988) et Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics (1971-1988)  
1/2004 -->
501/1997 -->
89(1)/1995 -->
18(1)/1996 -->
I - B 
16(1)/1997 -->
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation (Archives)

1982 --> 1996
158(1)/2001 -->
110(1)/1997 -->
Journal of Plant Research (Archives)

1993 --> 1996

Suite de : Botanical magazine Tokyo, ISSN 0006-808X  
1(1)/1961 -->
1(1)/1981 -->

Suite de : Journal of the Society for Radiological Protection (1981-1987)  
10/1997 -->
1(prelim)/1923 -->

Devient : Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments (1968-1989)  
35(1/3)/1996 -->

Suite de : Netherlands Journal of Sea Research  
1(1)/1997 -->
1(1)/1988 -->
1(1)/1986 --> 15(2/3)/1997

Devient : Journal of Asian Earth Sciences  
1(1)/2001 -->
1(1)/1972 -->
(mars)/2004 -->
114(1)/1995 -->

Suite de : Journal of Ultrastructure and Molecular Structure Research  
1(1)/1979 -->
1(1)/1972 --> 14(4)/1980

Devient : Journal of Supramolecular Structure and Cellular Biochemistry  
15(1)/1981 --> 17(5)/1981

Suite de : Journal of Supramolecular Structure
Devient : Journal of Cellular Biochemistry  
1(1)/1936 --> 68(4)/2003
47/2009 -->
1(1)/1988 --> 15(4)/2002
1(1)/1990 -->
18(137)/1922 --> 97(460)/2002

Suite de : Quarterly Publications of the American Statistical Association  
4(1)/1999 -->
1(1/2)/1953 --> 30(3/4)/1983

Devient : Australian journal of earth sciences, ISSN 0812-0099 (et absorbe AGSO, ISSN 1320-1271)  
110(1)/2004 -->
s-1(1)/1926 --> s2-48(3)/1993
75(1)/2007 -->
1(1)/2004 -->
50(1)/1887 --> 110(4)/1947

Suite de : Journal of the Statistical Society of London
Devient : Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (General)  
111(1)/1948 --> 150(4)/1987

Suite de : Journal of the Royal Statistical Society
Devient : Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (Statistics in Society)  
151(1)/1988 --> 166(3)/2003

Suite de : Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (General)  
10(1)/1948 --> 59(4)/1997

Suite de : Supplement to the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society
Devient : Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Statistical Methodology)  
60(1)/1998 --> 65(4)/2003

Suite de : Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological)  
59/1997 -->
46/1997 -->
1(1)/1953 --> 13(4)/1965

Devient : SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics  
1/1964 --> 2(3)/1965

Devient : SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis  
1(1)/1838 --> 49(4)/1886

Devient : Journal of the Royal Statistical Society  
124(1)/1997 --> 131(4)/2004

Suite de : Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club  
28/1997 -->
172(1)/1995 -->
7.2 E-C 
1(1)/1998 -->
20(1/2)/1995 -->
18/1997 -->
1(1)/1982 --> 24(3)/2005
1(1)/1985 --> 18(6)/2002
1(1)/2000 -->
34/2009 -->
1/1967 --> sauf 6 derniers mois
1(1)/1976 -->
34/1996 -->
241/1997 -->
1(1)/1987 -->
2(1)/2000 -->
1961 --> 1974

Devient : Biological cybernetics, ISSN 0340-1200  
4° série 2(1)/1963--
37(1)/1998 --> 39(4)/2000
13.1 F 
31(1)/1995 --> 34(3)/1999

Devient : Incorporated into Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems  
3/1998 -->
1(1)/2005 -->
12(3)/1997 -->
Landscape Ecology (Archives)

1987 --> 1996
1(1)/2004 -->
30/1997 -->
24/1997 -->
56(1)/1995 -->
29(1)/1999 -->
1(1)/2000 -->
1(1)/1956 -->
1(1)/1956 --> 49(6)/2004
1/2003 -->
32(1)/1997 -->
35(1)/2000 -->
1(1)/1968 -->
14/1996 -->
1(1)/1997 --> 3(4)/1999

Devient : Inclus dans Wetlands Ecology and Management  
1976 --> 1995

Devient : Journal of geodesy, ISSN 0949-7714 (fusion) Bulletin géodésique, ISSN 0007-4632  
1(1)/1969 -->
35(1/2)/2002 -->
1(1)/1984 -->
127(3)/1997 -->
XV - B 
Marine Biology (Archives)

1(1)/1967 --> 127(2)/1996
1(1)/2005 -->

Suite de : Sarsia  
1(1)/1999 -->

Suite de : fusion : Journal of Molecular Biotechnology et Molecular Marine Biotechnology  
1(1)/1972 -->
1/2003 -->
18/1997 -->
1/1979 -->
1(1)/1978 -->
22(1)/1999 -->
1(1)/1964 -->
19(1)/1997 -->
Marine Geophysical Researches (Archives)

1970 --> 1996
17(1)/1999 -->
13/1997 -->
1/1976 -->
1(1/4)/1999 --> 2(1/4)/2002
1(1)/1977 -->
1(1)/1970 -->
8(1)/1995 -->
10(1)/1988 -->

Suite de : Mathematical Modelling  
1(1)/1967 -->
1(1)/1894 --> 86(507)/2002
18(1)/1986 --> 39(8)/2007

Suite de : Journal of the International Association for Mathematical Geology, ISSN 0020-5958
Devient : Mathematical geosciences, ISSN 1874-8961  
2008 -->

Suite de : Mathematical geology (Dordrecht)  
10/1988 -->
1(1)/1980 --> 9(12)/1987

Devient : Mathematical and Computer Modelling  
1(1)/1943 --> 13(68)/1959

Devient : Mathematics of Computation  
1(1)/1988 -->
21(1)/1947 --> 77(5)/2004

Suite de : National Mathematics Magazine  
1(1)/1926 --> 8(8)/1934

Devient : National Mathematics Magazine  
14(69)/1960 --> 71(240)/2002

Suite de : Mathematical Tables and Other Aids to Computation  
1(1)/1988 -->
1(1)/1976 --> 28(4)/2003
1(1)/1869 -->
209/2000 -->
44(1)/1997 -->
1(1)/1918 -->
14(6)/1995 -->
1(1)/1990 -->

Suite de : Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments (1968-1989)  
49(1/2)/1995 -->

Suite de : Cell Differentiation and Development  
6(1)/1972 --> 6(4)/1972

Devient : Hydrobiological bulletin  
1(1)/2004 -->
92(1)/1997 -->
55/1996 --> 57/1998

Devient : Journal of Limnology  
1(1)/2005 -->
4/1997 -->
62(1/2)/1997 -->
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics (Archives)

1986 --> 1996

Suite de : Archiv für Meteorologie, Geophysik und Bioklimatologie. Serie A, Meteorologie und Geophysik, ISSN 0066-6416  
7(1)/1995 -->

Devient : Incorporating Neuroprotocols Incorporating ImmunoMethods  
19(1)/1997 --> 25(3/4)/2004

Devient : absorbé par Cytotechnology, ISSN 0920-9069  
Methods in Cell Science (Archives)

1(1)/1975 --> 1996

Devient : absorbé par Cytotechnology, ISSN 0920-9069  
1/2010 -->
311/2000 -->
35/2002 -->
1(1)/1958 -->
32(4)/1995 -->
1/2002 -->
33(1)/1997 -->
Microbial Ecology (Archives)

1(1)/1974 --> 32(3)/1996
156(1)/2001 -->
42/1978 --> 60(4)/1996

Suite de : Bacteriological Reviews
Devient : Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews  
61/1997 --> sauf 12 derniers mois

Suite de : Microbiological Reviews  
51(1/2)/1995 -->
125(1/4)/1997 -->
24(1)/1993 -->

Devient : Incorpore Electron Microscopy Reviews et Micron and Microscopica Acta  
1(1)/1969 --> 14(4)/1983

Devient : Micron and Microscopica Acta  
15(1)/1984 --> 23(4)/1992

Suite de : Micron (1969)
Devient : incorporé dans Micron  
1(1)/1909 --> 1(4)/1909

Devient : American Midland Naturalist  
1938 --> 1953

Suite de : fusion Mikrochimica acta (1937), ISSN 0344-8436 et de Mikrochemie, ISSN 0369-0261
Devient : Mikrochimica acta (1953), ISSN 0344-838X  
1953 --> 1962

Suite de : Mikrochemie vereinigt mit Mikrochimica acta, ISSN 0369-2795
Devient : Mikrochimica et ichnoanalytica acta, ISSN 0369-0504  
1937 --> 1938

Devient : fusion avec Mikrochemie, ISSN 0369-0261 pour donner Mikrochemie vereinigt mit Mikrochimica acta, ISSN 0369-2795  
Mikrochimica acta (Archives)

1966 --> 1996

Suite de : Mikrochimica et ichnoanalytica acta, ISSN 0369-0504  
1963 --> 1965

Suite de : Mikrochimica acta (1953), ISSN 0344-838X
Devient : Mikrochimica acta (1966. Print), ISSN 0026-3672  
70(1)/2002 -->
17(1)/1998 -->
Mine Water and the Environment (Archives)

1990 --> 1996

Suite de : International Journal of Mine Water  
32(1)/1997 -->
Mineralium Deposita (Archives)

1(1)/1966 --> 1996
59(1/2)/1997 -->
Mineralogy and Petrology (Archives)

1987 --> 1996

Suite de : TMPM. Tschermaks mineralogische und petrographische Mitteilungen, ISSN 0041-3763  
1979 --> 1984

Devient : Environmental geochemistry and health, ISSN 0269-4042  
1890 --> 1912
1(3)/1997 -->
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change (Archives)

1996 --> 1996
19(4)/2008 -->

Suite de : DNA Sequence: The Journal of Mapping, Sequencing and Analysis  
1(1)/2001 -->
46/2000 -->
1(1)/1992 -->
Molecular & General Genetics MGG (Archives)

1967 --> 28(1)/1974

Suite de : Zeitschrift für Vererbungslehre, ISSN 0372-8609
Devient : Molecular genetics and genomics, ISSN 0026-8925  
69(1)/1995 -->
166(1/2)/1997 -->
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry (Archives)

1973 --> 1996
1/1981 --> sauf 6 derniers mois
6(1)/1995 -->
34(6)/2000 -->
1(1)/1983 -->
3/1992 --> sauf 2 derniers mois

Suite de : Cell Regulation  
24(1/2)/1997 -->
Molecular Biology Reports (Archives)

1973 --> 1996
3(1)/1997 -->
Molecular Breeding (Archives)

1995 --> 1996
1(1)/1999 --> 4(6)/2001
2(3)/1997 -->
Molecular Diversity (Archives)

1995 --> 1996
6/1997 -->
1(1/2)/2001 --> 7(6)/2007

Devient : Molecular ecology resources, ISSN 1755-098X  
8/2008 -->
253(4)/1997 -->

Suite de : MGG. Molecular & general genetics (Print), ISSN 0026-8925  
Molecular Genetics and Genomics (Archives)

28(1)/1974 --> 253(3)/1996

Devient : Molecular Genetics and Genomics  
22/1998 -->
7(1)/1998 --> 7(4)/1998

Devient : Marine Biotechnology  
23/1997 -->
4(1)/1995 -->
43/1996 -->
2005 -->
1(1)/1996 --> 3(1)/1999

Suite de : Molecules  
1968 --> 1996

Suite de : Monatshefte für Chemie und verwandte Teile anderer Wissenschaften, ISSN 0343-7329
Devient : Monatshefte für Chemie (Internet), ISSN 1434-4475  
128(1)/1997 -->
123(1)/1997 -->
5(1)/1997 -->
11(1)/1996 -->
23(2)/2000 -->
1(1)/1990 -->
9(1)/1934 --> 20(2)/1945

Suite de : Mathematics News Letter
Devient : Mathematics Magazine  
15(1)/1997 -->
Natural Hazards (Archives)

1988 --> 1996
1(1/2)/2001 -->
1(1/2)/2001 -->
1(1)/1992 -->

Suite de : Natural Product Letters (1057-5634)  
12/1999 -->
26/2002 -->
6(1)/1997 -->
325(6099)/1987 -->
16(1)/1998 -->
1(1)/1999 -->
19(1)/1998 -->
1(1)/2000 -->
1(1)/2002 -->
1(1)/1998 -->
1(1)/2000 -->
1(1)/2000 -->
1(1)/2001 -->
1(1)/2003 -->
5(5)/1998 -->
84(1)/1997 -->
Naturwissenschaften (Archives)

1913 --> 1996
1927 --> 1933

Suite de : Tijdschrift voor vergelijkende geneeskunde, gezondheidsleer, en parasitaire en infectieuze dierziekten, ISSN 0372-2708
Devient : Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (Gedrukt), ISSN 0003-6072  
1(1/2)/1961 --> 34(4)/1995
XXV - D 

Devient : Journal of Sea Research  
26(1)/1992 --> 30(2/3)/1996

Suite de : Hydrobiological bulletin
Devient : Aquatic ecology  
1/1998 -->
135/1997 -->
1(1)/1902 --> 164(3)/2004
1970 --> 1991

Devient : scindé en Umi no kenky?, ISSN 0916-8362 et Journal of oceanography, ISSN 0916-8370  
1(1)/1994 -->
1(1)/1994 -->
1(1)/1988 -->
17/1997 -->
51(1)/1997 --> 58(1)/2004
32(1)/1992 -->
1/1974 -->
dernier numéro -->
42(1)/1999 -->
3/1996 -->
1/1985 -->
1(1)/1959 -->
(1)/1980 -->
17(1)/1992 -->

Suite de : Ocean and Shoreline Management  
11(1)/1988 --> 16(3/4)/1991

Suite de : Ocean Management
Devient : Ocean & Coastal Management  
2000 -->

Suite de : Deutsche hydrographische Zeitschrift, ISSN 0012-0308  
22(1)/1995 -->
1/1973 --> 10(2)/1986

Devient : Ocean and Shoreline Management  
1(1)/1999 -->
1(1)/2005 -->
1(1)/2004 -->
1(1)/1988 -->
42(1)/2000 -->
21(1)/1998 --> 26(5/6)/2003
46(1)/2006 -->
39(2)/1996 -->
XXV - B 
109(2)/1997 -->
Oecologia (Archives)

1968 --> 1996
1851 --> 1857

Devient : Österreichische botanische Zeitschrift, ISSN 0029-8948  
88/2000 -->
2003 -->
1(1)/1994 -->
88(1)/2000 -->
1(1)/1984 -->
1(1)/1980 -->
1974 --> 1984

Suite de : Space life sciences, ISSN 0038-6286
Devient : Origins of life and evolution of the biosphere, ISSN 0169-6149  
27(1/3)/1997 -->

Suite de : Origins of life, ISSN 0302-1688  
Origins of life and evolution of the biosphere (Archives)

1984 --> 1996

Suite de : Origins of life, ISSN 0302-1688  
1858 --> 1974

Suite de : Oesterreichisches botanisches Wochenblatt, ISSN 1029-0729
Devient : Plant systematics and evolution, ISSN 0378-2697  
8(1)/2005 -->
42/1999 -->
1/1965 -->
1(1)/1998 -->
15(1)/2006 -->
1(1)/1975 --> 29(4)/2003

Paleoceanography (Archives)

1(1)1986 --> 24(4)/2009
40(1)/2006 -->
1(1)/2006 -->
83(2)/1997 -->
16(1)/1995 -->
16(1)/2006 -->
1/2005 -->
1(1)/1998 -->
8(1)/2000 -->
Pflügers Archiv (Archives)

1968 --> 1996

Suite de : Pflügers Archiv für die Gesamte Physiologie des Menschen und der Tiere, ISSN 0365-267X  
433(4)/1997 -->
1868 --> 1968

Suite de : absorbe Archiv für Physiologie (1877) et Zentralblatt für Physiologie
Devient : Pflügers Archiv, ISSN 0031-6768  
1/1665 --> 12/1678

Devient : Philosophical Transactions (1683-1775)  
13/1683 --> 65/1775

Suite de : Philosophical Transactions (1665-1678)
Devient : Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London  
66/1776 --> 177/1886

Suite de : Philosophical Transactions (1683-1775)
Devient : Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. A et B  
178/1887 --> 186/1895

Suite de : Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London
Devient : Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Containing Papers of a Mathematical or Physical Character  
178/1887 --> 186/1895

Suite de : Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London
Devient : Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Containing Papers of a Biological Character  
234(731)/1934 --> 331(1622)/1990

Suite de : Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Containing Papers of a Mathematical or Physical Character
Devient : Philosophical Transactions: Physical Sciences and Engineering  
187/1896 --> 233/1934

Suite de : Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. A
Devient : Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences  
224(509)/1934 --> 328(1251)/1990

Suite de : Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Containing Papers of a Biological Character
Devient : Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences  
187/1896 --> 223/1934

Suite de : Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. B
Devient : Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences  
352(1349)/1997 -->
8.4 A 
329(1252)/1990 --> 359(1452)/2004

Suite de : Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences  
355(1722)/1997 -->
354(1704)/1996 --> 362(1825)/2004

Suite de : Philosophical Transactions: Physical Sciences and Engineering  
332(1623)/1990 --> 353(1703)/1995

Suite de : Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Devient : Philosophical Transactions: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences  
65/1997 -->
51(1)/1997 -->
Photosynthesis Research (Archives)

1980 --> 1996
45/1997 -->
1(1)/2004 -->
8(1)/1997 -->

Suite de : Soviet journal of physical oceanography, ISSN 0920-5047  
Physical Oceanography (Archives)

1993 --> 1996

Suite de : Soviet journal of physical oceanography, ISSN 0920-5047  
24(1)/1997 -->
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals (Archives)

1977 --> 1996
1(1)/1956 --> 23(9/10)/1998
24(1/2)/1999 --> 26(11/12)/2001

Suite de : Physics and Chemistry of the Earth
Devient : Incorporated into Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C  
27(1/3)/2002 -->
1(1)/1966 -->
1(1)/1956 -->
1(1)/1962 --> 23(12)/1966

Devient : Scindé en Physics Letters A et Physics Letters B  
5(1)/1963 -->
1(1)/2005 -->
1(1)/1967 -->
1(1)/1971 -->

Devient : Incorpore Computer Physics Reports  
99/1997 -->
1(1)/1980 -->

Suite de : Clinical Physics and Physiological Measurement (1980-1992)  
7/1996 -->
38(1)/1995 -->
1(1)/2002 -->
1(1)/1959 -->
37(1)/1996 -->
134(1)/2000 -->

Suite de : Giornale botanico italiano (0017-0070)  
20/1997 -->
1/1989 --> sauf 12 derniers mois
1(1)/1981 -->
Plant Molecular Biology (Archives)

1981 --> 1996
1/1926 --> sauf 12 derniers mois
104(2)/1995 -->

Suite de : Plant Science Letters  
204(1/2)/1997 -->
Plant Systematics and Evolution (Archives)

1851 --> 1996

Suite de : Österreichische botanische Zeitschrift, ISSN 0029-8948  
201(1)/1997 -->
Planta. An international Journal of Plant Biology (Archives)

1934 --> 1996

Devient : Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Biologie. Abteilung E: Planta, ISSN 1866-2749  
1(1/2)/1960 -->

Suite de : Plasma Physics (1967-1983) ; Journal of Nuclear Energy. Part C, Plasma Physics, Accelerators, Thermonuclear Research (1959-1966)  
1(1)/1992 -->
1/2003 -->
1(1)/2003 -->
1(1)/2005 -->
1/2005 -->
17(2)/1997 -->
VII - A 
Polar Biology (Archives)

1982 --> 1996
12/1999 -->

Suite de : Proceedings of the NIPR Symposium on Polar Biology  
16/1997 -->
1(1)/2007 -->
42(1)/2000 -->

Suite de : Researches on population ecology, ISSN 0034-5466  
1(1)/1974 -->
107(1)/1997 -->
2/2000 -->
1(1)/1950 --> 130(12)/2002
87/1978 --> 108/1999

Devient : Journal of Earth system Science  
79B(1)/2003 -->
94(1)/2007 -->
s1-1(1)/1865 --> s3-73(3)/1996
1(1)/1915 --> 102(52)/2005
1(1)/1915 --> sauf 6 derniers mois
1/1987 --> 11/1998

Devient : Polar Bioscience  
101/1986 -->
101/1988 -->
7/1854 --> 75/1905

Suite de : Abstracts of the Papers Communicated to the Royal Society of London
Devient : Scindé en : Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Containing Papers of a Biological Character and continued by Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Containin  
76(507)/1905 --> 146(859)/1934

Suite de : Proceedings of the Royal Society of London (partielle)
Devient : Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences  
147(860)/1934 --> 429(1877)/1990

Suite de : Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Containing Papers of a Mathematical and Physical Character  
116(796)/1934 --> 240(1299)/1990

Suite de : Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Containing Papers of a Biological Character  
76(507)/1905 --> 115(795)/1934

Suite de : Proceedings of the Royal Society of London  
130(1)/2000 --> 134(6)/2004
264(1378)/1997 -->
241(1300)/1990 --> 271(1557)/2004

Suite de : Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences  
430(1878)/1990 --> 451(1943)/1995

Suite de : Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences  
453(1956)/1997 -->
452(1944)/1996 --> 460(2052)/2004

Suite de : Proceedings: Mathematical and Physical Sciences  
30(1)/1995 -->
63(1)/1995 -->
2.2 A 
6(1)/1995 --> 6(2/4)/1995

Devient : Cytokine & Growth Factor Reviews  
37(1)/2002 -->
34(1)/1995 -->

Suite de : Progress in the Chemistry of Fats and other Lipids  
13(1)/2003 --> 17(8)/2007
18(1)/2008 -->
18(1)/2008 -->
1/1963 -->
22(1)/1998 -->
1998 -->
9(1)/1996 -->

Suite de : Protein Engineering  
6(1)/1995 -->
1/1986 -->
1/2001 -->
151(1)/2000 -->
1(1)/1999 -->
196(1/2)/1996 -->
Protoplasma (Archives)

1927 --> 1996
1/1959 -->
1(1)/1888 --> 16(128)/1919

Devient : Quarterly Publications of the American Statistical Association  
149(1)/1997 -->
Pure and Applied Geophysics PAGEOPH (Archives)

1964 --> 1996

Suite de : Geofisica Pura e Applicata, ISSN 0367-4355  
1(1)/1992 --> 7(6)/1998

Devient : Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics (fusion avec Journal of Optics (1977-1998))  
1(1)/1989 --> 10(6)/1998

Devient : Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics  
1/1873 -->
47(1)/1996 -->
17(129)/1920 --> 17(136)/1921

Suite de : Publications of the American Statistical Association
Devient : Journal of the American Statistical Association  
1(1)/1926 --> 81(3)/2006
1/1989 -->
1(1)/1970 -->
1(1)/1982 -->
1(1)/1963 -->
Radiation and Environmental Biophysics (Archives)

1974 --> 1996

Suite de : Biophysik, ISSN 0006-3517  
1/1961-1962 --> 15(4)/1975

Devient : Environmental and Experimental Botany  
34/2000 -->
1(1)/1999 -->
11/2001 -->
1(1)/1969 -->
1(1)/1970 -->
1/1934 -->
146(1)/1995 -->

Suite de : Annales de l'Institut Pasteur. Microbiologie  
2007 -->
1996 --> 1999

Devient : Population ecology, ISSN 1438-3896  
Researches on population ecology (Archives)

1952 --> 1996

Devient : Population ecology, ISSN 1438-3896  
48/1998 -->
5/1997 -->
1(1/4)/1967 -->
1/2009 -->
1(1)/2002 -->
7(1)/1997 -->
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries (Archives)

1991 --> 1996
6(1/2)/1998 -->
Reviews of Geophysics

40(1)/2002 -->
Reviews of Geophysics (Archives)

1(1)/1963-- > 47(4)/2009
146(1)/2003 -->
Reviews of physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology (Archives)

1974 --> 1996

Suite de : Ergebnisse der Physiologie, biologischen Chemie und experimentellen Pharmakologie, ISSN 0080-2042  
58(3)/1998 --> 61(2)/2001

Devient : Brazilian Journal of Biology  
15(1)/1997 -->
20(1)/2003 -->
73(1)/2000 -->
1(1)/2001 -->
36(1)/2001 -->
XII - D 

Suite de : Revista de biologia marina  
46(1)/1998 -->
1/2001 -->
25(1)/1998 -->
1/1975 -->
5(1)/1998 -->
1(1)/1933 --> 39(3)/1971

Devient : International Statistical Review / Revue Internationale de Statistique  
38(1)/1995 -->
24(1)/2005 -->
(1)/2005 -->
12/1996 -->
1969 --> 1982

Suite de : Felsmechanik und Ingenieurgeologie, ISSN 0430-2966
Devient : Rock mechanics and rock engineering (Print), ISSN 0723-2632  
30(1)/1997 -->
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (Archives)

1983 --> 1996

Suite de : Rock mechanics, ISSN 0035-7448  
Roux's Archives of Developmental Biology

1986 --> 1996

Suite de : Wilhelm Roux's archives of developmental biology, ISSN 0340-0794
Devient : Development, genes and evolution (Print), ISSN 0949-944X  
48(1)/2007 -->
31(1)/2000 -->
31(1)/2000 -->
36(12)/2000 -->
26(1)/2000 -->
1930 --> 1935

Devient : Fühner-Wieland's Sammlung von Vergiftungsfällen. Archiv für Toxicologie  
(23)/2001 -->
XXV - A 
1(1)/2003 -->
1(1)/1993 -->
80(4)/1995 --> 86(6)/2001

Devient : Marine Biology Research (Fusion avec Ophelia)  
87(1)/2002 --> 89(6)/2004

Devient : Marine Biology Research  
24/1997 -->
1948 --> 1988

Suite de : Zeitschrift für Hydrologie, Hydrographie, Hydrobiologie, Fischereiwissenschaft, ISSN 1011-8497
Devient : Aquatic sciences (Printed ed), ISSN 1015-1621  

1(1)/1880 -->
1(1)/1880 --> 298(5602)/2002

Suite de : Incorpore The Scientific Monthly  
89(11)/1966 --> 170(26/27)/2006

Suite de : The Science News-Letter  
4(157)/1924 --> 89(10)/1966

Devient : Sciences News  
1(1)/1972 -->
53(1)/1989 -->

Suite de : Investigaciones Pesquera  
1(1)/1915 --> 85(6)/1957

Devient : Incorporé dans Science  
1/1967 -->
44/1997 -->
39(1)/1999 -->
1(1)/1995 -->
1(1)/1986 -->
1(1)/1970 -->
7(1)/1996 -->

Suite de : Seminars in Cell Biology
Devient : Incorpore : Seminars in Developmental Biology  
6(1)/1995 --> 6(6)/1995

Devient : Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology  
6(1)/1995 --> 6(6)/1995

Devient : Incorporé dans Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology  
21(1)/1995 -->
7(1)/1997 -->
Shock Waves (Archives)

1991 --> 1996
14(1)/1966 --> 63(2)/2003

Suite de : Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics  
3(1)/1966 --> 39(6)/2002

Suite de : Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics: Series B, Numerical Analysis  
1(1)/1959 --> 44(4)/2002
1/2004 -->
10(1/2)/2002 -->
1(1)/1993 --> 9(6/8)/2002

Devient : Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory  
1(1)/2003 -->
1/2005 -->
1987 --> 1992

Devient : Physical oceanography, ISSN 0928-5105  
1968 --> 1973

Devient : Origins of life, ISSN 0302-1688  
51/1997 -->
42(1)/2001 -->
1(1)/1986 --> 19(4)/2004
12(1)/1962 --> 52(4)/2003

Suite de : The Incorporated Statistician  
1(1)/1982 -->
1(1)/1970 -->
13(1/2)/1999 -->

Suite de : Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics  
41(1)/1997 -->
Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica (Archives)

1957 --> 1996
1(1)/1988 -->
1(1)/1934 --> 9(2)/1947

Devient : Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological)  
18(1)/1997 -->
Surveys in Geophysics (Archives)

1986 --> 1996

Suite de : Geophysical surveys, ISSN 0046-5763  
100(1)/2007 -->

Suite de : Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae  
2007 -->

Suite de : absorbe Eclogae geologicae Helveticae. - ISSN 0012-9402 et Schweizerische mineralogische und petrographische Mitteilungen. - ISSN 0036-7699  
24(1)/2001 -->
47(1)/1998 -->
XI - F 

Suite de : Systematic Zoology  
41(1)/1992 --> 53(6)/2004

Suite de : Systematic Zoology  
1(1)/1976 --> 27(4)/2002
36(1)/1997 -->
Systematic Parasitology (Archives)

1979 --> 1996
1(1)/1952 --> 40(4)/1991

Devient : Systematic Biology  
1/1998 -->
42(1)/1995 -->
15(1)/1996 -->
18/1997 -->
1(1)/1959 --> 44(4)/2002

21(1)/2002 -->
Tectonics (Archives)

1(1)/1982 --> 28(6)/2002
1(1)/1964 -->
49/1997 -->
49/1997 -->
9/1997 -->
1/1966 -->
1(1)/2007 -->
1(1)/2007 -->
1/1995 -->
8(1)/2002 --> 9(4)/2003

Suite de : Ocean-air interactions, ISSN 0743-0876
Devient : Journal of Atmospheric & Ocean Science  
1/2007 -->
1/2007 -->
1/2007 -->
1/2007 -->
1/2007 -->
1/2008 -->
1/2008 -->
1/2007 -->
1/2008 -->
1/2007 -->
1/2007 -->
1/2008 -->
1/2008 -->
1/2007 -->
1/2007 -->
1/2007 -->
1/2007 -->
1/2007 -->
1/2007 -->
1/2007 -->
1/2008 -->
56(1/2)/1997 -->
Theoretical and Applied Climatology (Archives)

1986 --> 1996

Suite de : Archives for meteorology, geophysics, and bioclimatology. Series B, Climatology, environmental meteorology, radiation research, ISSN 0066-6424  
94(2)/1997 -->
Theoretical and Applied Genetics TAG (Archives)

1968 --> 1996

Suite de : Züchter, ISSN 0514-0641  
9(1)/1997 -->
Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics (Archives)

1989 --> 1996
47(1)/1995 -->
XI - E 
1926 --> 1926

Devient : Nederlandsch tijdschrift voor hygiene, microbiologie en serologie, ISSN 0369-3821  
27(1)/1995 -->
1969 --> 1986

Suite de : Tschermak's Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen, ISSN 0369-1497
Devient : Mineralogy and petrology, ISSN 0930-0708  
82(1/2)/2002 -->

Suite de : Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry Reviews (0092-9867)  
29(1)/1996 -->
25(1)/2006 -->

Suite de : Journal of Toxicology: Toxin Reviews (0731-3837, 1525-6057)  
14(1)/1995 -->
1/2000 -->
1(1)/1900 --> 354(12)/2002
1(1)/2007 -->
1(1)/2007 -->
2004 -->
1(1)/2005 -->
Trees (Archives)

1986 --> 1996
11(3)/1997 -->
20(1)/1995 -->
5(1)/1995 -->
1(1)/1986 -->
11(1)/1995 -->
3(1)/1995 -->
1948 --> 1968

Devient : TMPM. Tschermaks mineralogische und petrographische Mitteilungen, ISSN 0041-3763  
22(1)/1998 -->
7(1)/1998 -->
22(1)/1998 -->
1(1)/2001 -->
20(1)/1996 -->
1(1)/1970 --> 14(5)/1983

Devient : College Mathematics Journal (The)  
1(1)/1975 -->
6(1)/1997 -->
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany (Archives)

1992 --> 1996
78(1)/2002 --> 78(4)/2002

Suite de : Vestník Ústredního ústavu geologického
Devient : Bulletin of Geosciences (Praha)  
1/2004 -->
3(1)/1998 -->
VLDB (the) Journal (Archives)

1992 --> 1996
6(1)/1997 -->
11/1997 -->
1(1/4)/2000 --> 1(1/4)/2000
1(1)/1967 -->
27(6)/2000 -->
11(1)/1997 -->
Water Resources Management (Archives)

1987 --> 1996
Water Resources Research

38(1)/2002 -->
Water Resources Research (Archives)

1(1)/1965--> 45(12)/2009
24(1)/1998 -->
Water, Air and Soil Pollution (Archives)

1971 --> 1996
93(1/4)/1997 -->
1(1/2)/2001 -->
1(1)/1991 -->

Suite de : Waves in Random Media (0959-7174, 1361-6676)  
57/2002 -->
1(1)/2003 -->
1(1)/1989 -->
Wetlands Ecology and Management (Archives)

1989 --> 1996
8(4)/2000 -->
1925 --> 1975

Suite de : Archiv für mikroskopische Anatomie und Entwicklungsmechanik, ISSN 0365-4125
Devient : Wilhelm Roux's archives of developmental biology, ISSN 0340-0794  
Wilhelm Roux's Archives of Developmental Biology

1975 --> 1985

Suite de : Wilhelm Roux' Archiv für Entwicklungsmechanik der Organismen, ISSN 0043-5546
Devient : Roux's archives of developmental biology, ISSN 0930-035X  
1(1)/2005 -->
25/1996 -->
624/1998 -->
1/1921 -->
1(1)/1060 --> 24(10)/1984

Devient : Journal of Basic Microbiology  
1862 --> 1944

Devient : Fresenius' Zeitschrift für Analytische Chemie, ISSN 0016-1152  
Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik (Archives)

1950 --> 1996
48(1)/1997 -->
1920 --> 1948

Devient : Schweizerische Z. für Hydrologie, Hydrobiologie, Limnologie, Fischereiwissenschaft, Abwasserreinigung, ISSN 0036-7842  
1908 --> 1957

Devient : Zeitschrift für Vererbungslehre, ISSN 0372-8609  
1955 --> 2003

Devient : European journal of wildlife research (Print)  
1967 --> 1975

Suite de : partielle Zeitschrift für Morphologie und Ökologie der Tiere, ISSN 0372-9389
Devient : Zoomorphologie (Berlin), ISSN 0340-6725  
1924 --> 1967

Devient : scindé en Zeitschrift für Morphologie der Tiere, ISSN 0044-3131 et Oecologia, ISSN 0029-8549  
1958 --> 1966

Suite de : Zeitschrift Für Induktive Abstammungs- und Vererbungslehre, ISSN 0372-901X
Devient : MGG. Molecular & general genetics (Print), ISSN 0026-8925  
1924 --> 1972

Devient : Journal of comparative physiology, ISSN 0302-9824  
1925 --> 1934

Devient : Planta. An international Journal of Plant Biology, ISSN 0032-0935  
1948 --> 1974

Suite de : Z. für Zellforschung und mikroskopische Anatomie. Abteilung A, Allgemeine Zellforschung und mikroskopische Anatomie, ISSN 0340-0387
Devient : Cell and tissue research (Print), ISSN 0302-766X / partiellement : Z. für Zellforschung und mikroskopische Anatomie. Abteilung Histochemie, ISSN 0340-0239  
1924 --> 1938

Suite de : Archiv für Zellforschung
Devient : scindé en Z. für Zellforschung und mikroskopische Anatomie. Abteilung A, Allgemeine Zellforschung und mikroskopische Anatomie, ISSN 0340-0387 et Zeitschrift für Zellforschung und mikroskopis  
1939 --> 1945

Suite de : partielle Zeitschrift für Zellforschung und mikroskopische Anatomie, ISSN 0044-3794
Devient : Zeitschrift für Zellforschung und mikroskopische Anatomie (1948), ISSN 0340-0336  
1939 --> 1944

Suite de : partielle Zeitschrift für Zellforschung und mikroskopische Anatomie, ISSN 0044-3794
Devient : Chromosoma (Berlin. Print), ISSN 0009-5915  
1958 --> 1964

Suite de : partielle Zeitschrift für Zellforschung und mikroskopische Anatomie (1948), ISSN 0340-0336
Devient : Histochemie (Berlin), ISSN 0018-2222  
16/1997 -->
26/1997 -->
119/1997 -->
2005 -->
240(1)/2001 -->
104(1)/2001 -->
1975 --> 1980

Suite de : Zeitschrift für Morphologie der Tiere, ISSN 0044-3131
Devient : Zoomorphology (Berlin. Print), ISSN 0720-213X  
111(1)/1997 -->
Zoomorphology (Archives)

1980 --> 1996

Suite de : Zoomorphologie (Berlin), ISSN 0340-6725  
22(1)/2000 -->

Suite de : Bulletin du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, section A, Zoologie.  
81/2005 -->

1929 --> 1967

Devient : Theoretical and applied genetics, ISSN 0040-5752  
CopyRight © 2005-2008 - Observatoire Océanologique de Villefranche sur Mer - O.B. (Dernière mise à jour: 15 juillet 2008)